the loud house no such luck alternate ending deviantart

"No need," another voice was heard saying, everyone turned and saw Jeffrey, the spa manager standing in the doorway, glaring at all of them, "I got staff to pack all of your stuff into your bags and bring it downstairs when I was informed you were still here by Maddie, one of my front desk clerks." "I can't believe you kids just did that," Rita said, tears running down her face like a river. You're supposed to be grounded to the hotel room, remember?" He managed to, but with a twist. "WELL, NOW THAT I KNOW HOW YOU KIDS FEEL ABOUT ME! We really are just a bunch of chickens Lynn: Fine! I don't need you chumps at my stupid games! How can I help you?" ", Lynn: "After how badly I treated you? You locked me out of my room, sold all my furniture and made me into a thing!! "SAVE IT, RITA!" Lincoln asked, as he started crying yet had an angry look on his face, "What's really lousy is that you guys had the nerve to make us feel guilty for the stuff we did when the reason we got kicked out of the hotel was because you two decided to act like irresponsible teenagers and go for a late night swim in the pool without any swimwear on!" Give it back! And he did not look happy. 2022 - 2023 Add to Favourites Comment YOU'LL BE HAPPY TO KNOW YOU WON'T HAVE TO WORRY ABOUT DEALING WITH ME OR MY CATS OR MY DISGUSTING PUDDING OR MY BUNIONS ANYMORE! (The employee obliges, and the police arrive to arrest Lincoln, just as the rest of the Louds arrive.). One of the Boys alt ending4. Loud House, No Such Luck sequel - YouTube Because of this, Lincoln sneaks his way out of the kitchen, and next to the staircase. Lynn Sr. asked. We feel so ashamed!" Rita: (with a broken voice) "We're so sorry Lincoln! Rita: How about we all sleep in the living room tonight? I heard you scream! Lynn: Let go of me you crazy, raging brute! Who do you think you are, calling us names and insulting us like that!? Almost as good as any Ace Savvy convention. Luna: That was rockin'. Lynn ran outside and falcon punched him. Rita: Honey, please. ", Lincoln: "No. "Why?" Lisa: That's the last time I ever fall for such phone-baloney! Lincoln was put into a coma during the nsl incident where he meets kamen rider diend and is given his powers afterwards he takes Lily and runs away to canterlot where he. Ruth said, curious to where this was going. (charges towards Lynn in a rage) AND I HATE YOU!!!! We know you are!". I hate it that you don't have any feelings or care anymore! Ugh!" Inspiration for this fanfiction comes from few positive predictions for No Such Luck. Rita: (Gasps) Lincoln! The important thing is that we learn from them. And he did not look happy. (Lynn stops) "I forgive you. Lincoln: That's what i always say. Lynn: Put that suit back on Lincoln! ", Lincoln: "Oh, and I'm sorry for breaking your golf clubs, Lori. She told the kids that their parents caused them to get kicked out, she told them what they did and, in a sense, she was responsible for the kids' destructive rampage. And can you please unlock my room for me? I just hurt Lynn! Lucy: (shedding tears) Me too. Lynn Sr.: KIDS, please! I HATE THIS!!! Luan: Maybe these silly superstitions werent such a good idea. Lola: Hey, Lincoln . Baby Steps / Brawl in the Family. But we have to know, how the heck have you been able to scoop us?" Katherine: With help from my boyfriend. Lucy: So, that's it then? Find out what other deviants think - about anything at all. So, I plan to rectify that. Lynn Sr. also tried to say something, but he couldn't either. Rita asked. No Such Luck part 2. I hate that you all are as dumb as a big fat rock! I need to get out of here! Lynn Sr.: Come on, let's go find Lincoln! "They're not the only guilty ones," Lynn, the girl in red with brown hair tied in a ponytail, responded back with, in a bit of wise-cracking tone, "Yesterday, Lana and I broke the elevators. Lincoln: "Did anything bad happen, something life threatening that I would be deemed 'bad luck'? (Luna gasps) You all dont quite grasp the concept! Its a stupid mascot costume! The siblings were heard saying numerous phrases but they all pretty had the same topic, 'What did we do to get kicked out already?' Luna, Luan, Lola and Lisa were battling off against three obnoxious hotel guests that made all of them look like saints. Lucy: But..but you wanted us to believe it. Luck. Which she did. I don't want you quit something you love because of me. Lynn Sr. bit his lip for a moment, rubbed the back of his head with hand, and then sighed, "It might take a while and it might not be easy, but I'm certain we can regain their trust." Lincoln: Okay. We know we don't deserve it, but we hope you can forgive us! Directors Kyle Marshall (segment Frog Wild) Chris Savino (segment No Such Luck) Writers Chris Savino I will not be discarded and than used!! He had a glare on his face and he was tapping his foot on the ground repetitively, showing that he was serious. ", Lola: (slightly sad) "Well, I probably would've before, but, from now on, you come to my pageants when you want to, and if not, it's fine by me. QUIET! Lincoln: NOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Lisa: A terrible case of state of mind if ever I saw one. The voice asked. Lincoln: I don't believe it! After one loss, she claims that Lincoln is bad luck. After that, for the remainder of the car ride, nothing was heard but the sounds of Rita's crying and her tears dropping from her face. Ruth meant what she said when she said she would get a restraining order, which she did, and to make extra sure the family couldn't go to her, she packed up everything and moved to somewhere in Alaska. But in hindsight, I guess I should've thought about it more before lying to you guys. Instead he found comfort in being hugged by Leni, glaring at her parents as she did so. As she started getting cleaning supplies to try and restore the lobby to a sense of glory, Maddie thought to herself, 'If the kids did this to the lobby on their way to find their parents. Eventually, Rita broke the long silence, saying, "Kids, I know you're angry at us for causing us to be kicked out of the hotel. Okay this episode has already been hated enough you can pretty much type in the rants for 'No such luck' and there will be a lot of those, I too hated this e. I'll keep it between the both of us. Fund your creativity by creating subscription tiers. But Lynn Jr. yelled, "SIT DOWN!" Would you mind me speaking to Angus for a bit? Lincoln: (points to the window) "The window. ", Lynn: Oh Lincoln. HATE ME FOREVER!!! She playfully rolled her eyes. "First of all, don't shout at me!," the woman said, in a tone that made Lola be quiet, "Second, if you give me a second, I'll sort this out some more." Luan: (with a broken voice) "We treated you like an outcast because we were stupid enough to believe that junk! And Lori and Lisa. Lucy and I were trying to hunt a ghost." I didn't think you guys would believe I was bad luck, even going as far as to lock me out. I get that i was pretty stupid myself to spread that stupid fib, i should have just opened up! "Hi, Aunt Ruth," Lola said, in a fake sweet tone, "it's your niece Rita's kids." Of course, it's not like the parents could them there anyway. Lincoln: (to the viewers) "Well, looks like everyone learned something. Loud House Alternate Ending: Out of the Picture by . Lincoln returns the hug, rubbing her back), Lynn: "No, it'sNOT okay! "Do you have any idea how guilty you made us feel for possibly ruining your vacation for acting like ourselves?" "WELL I HATE ALL OF YOU, TOO!" His choreography is so dated. She hoped the kids would say something, but all they got were grunts of disbelief. "You guys are literally going up the room right now and getting our stuff now!" "Her pudding is at least a hundred years old and will cause us all to go to the hospital for stomach pumping," Lisa added. "WE HATE YOUR DISGUSTING PUDDING!" ", Lincoln: "You know what, Lynn. Our parents grounded us to this room because we got in trouble yesterday. Lori: "The bigger question is, how did you get inside? (The rest of the family is enjoying their time with beach activities), Lincoln: (takes off his sunglasses, deeply annoyed) But unfortunately only when im in the squirrel suit(puts the head back on), (Several moments pass. Lincoln and Lucy hung their heads in shame and embarrassment. Rita walked over to her side of their bed and sat down, put her hands on her head and started sobbing. What kind of family would do this to one of their own? I hate fashion shows! I tried to make it as comical as i could. Then, he opened it up. I'm not. Everyone heads to Vanzilla, but Lincoln still stays in place). Lincoln: (crying berserker tears) NO!!! Kick the . Submit your writing. Can you please just come down here? YOU ARE NOT BAD LUCK!!! Lola finished with. Rita stood up and heads to the door. I-, Lincoln: "LYNN!" Even though Lincoln was the one who brought this on himself. ", Lincoln: (to Lola) "Lola, all those pageants I went to, did anything bad happen those times? [Everyone headed to the living room to sleep together. Lynn Loud steps up to the plate, but with the luck she's been having today, the Squirrels are looking a whole lot like roadkill. ", Lucy: "After all, it's not like we always go to each others events 100% of the time, so why should you? ", (Vanzilla is parked in the driveway. I hate that you do nothing but ruin other people's lives, including one of your own! Lynn: NO! Morag: Not stuck in your sister's shadows. Things were starting to get intense in the Loud family hotel room. SQUIRRELS WIN! Ive come to many grave-digging events and cemeteries with you! (Tears up) Our only bro. They got their answer when, suddenly, the door the spa was kicked open by someone's shoe. As they were trying to relax, stomping and shaking were heard, causing everyone in the spa to wonder what was going on. (Lisa turns to him) Whatever happened to Woman of Science, huh!?! NO SUCH LUCK AFTERMATH by JackLeighton19 on DeviantArt Lincoln: Now THAT'S bad luck for you, you brainless nitwits!! But the woman did, "That your parents were caught skinny dipping after hours? You think you can just say sorry after making me look like a freak and everything will be fine!?! loud house alternate ending deviantart - That's not how it works in the hotel. And with that, Lori started driving the van out of the hotel and back towards their house. Lynn: FINE! I let my pride get the best to me! "That we had to learn about all of this when hotel security barged up to our room due to numerous complaints!" Note: The reason why I am doing this is because I hate No Such Luck, however I hate most of The No Such Luck fanfictions as well. We didn't just barge into the room. The sound of typing on a computer was heard for a few minutes. I loved it. But that's only because we don't have a room anymore." Lincoln: (off-screen) Where are you going Luce? I'm sorry I was such a bad loser, all I wanted was for Lincoln to support me, to support us. Lincoln: You can't do anything right! (Raises his fist at her). Rita: Sweetie, calm down. Luna: [Blushes] Really? I'll admit, it was stupid and wrong of me to lie to them and take advantage of it, and I probably should've just told them that I just wanted some me time, but honestly, I think this is way more than I deserve. Lincoln: (with angry tears) I'm throwing this stupid, disgusting thing away! I hate gator wrestling! Lynn: *Gasp* NOOOOOO!!!!! Lynn has a bruised cheek and the rest are all still coated in muck and wet from the sea. Leni: Linky, dont shout. Taking the device out of the girl's hand. During the drive, there was nothing but silence, which is very uncommon for a vehicle that is usually occupied by 13 people. Lucy: Lincoln, stop! My own family, locking me out. Lincoln: No, im your good luck charm! After spending a good 10-15 minutes unpacking and putting everything back in the respective places in their rooms, the siblings walked into the living room and saw their parents were in fact still sitting on the couch. This shocked Rita, she thought Ruth enjoyed seeing her family. Just because of superstitions?! LYNN LOUD HITS A GRAND SLAM!!! On the other end, Maddie, an African-American woman in her mid-20's with short curly hair, heard what Felix said and got worried. This whole trip their parents were telling them to behave and they got grounded when they didn't, but now they're learning that they did something to cause them to be kicked out of the hotel after only one day. No Such Luck, No Such Love is a The Loud House fanfic written by SpartanXHunterX which can be read here. But, if what this guy was saying is true, then the only reason the room would show up as vacant is if the family was checking out. Luna: Bro, why you so upset? They started running towards them as fast as possible, when suddenly, the sound of a fist pounding against the door is heard. ", [It's revealed to be Lincoln in the runabout costume], Lincoln:[to the viewers] "My plan is simple: I watch the game in disguise, and when the Squirrels win, everyone will see I'm not bad luck. . (Shouts) Put the head back on before we get stung by a jellyfish! Anyway, enjoy. What do you think, Pep? They notice the huge mess of items in the yard and are horrified.). Wow, Lincoln, I'm really sorry. No Such Luck (Alternative ending, my version) . the family opens the door to see a ticked off Lincoln. We would never force you to go if you don't want to. Lincoln: Youre too stubborn to admit youre wrong, you never admit you mess up, your as gross as you are lousy and you never learn anything! And it wasn't just her, everyone in the lobby felt it and they looked around, wondering if there was an unexplainable earthquake coming. ", [Later, they arrive back in their house.]. Ive been a really nice guy with you for far too long! I thought you were my family! [In stepped David, Winston, Skippy, Silas, Paige, Francisco, Benny, Sam, Chaz, and Bobby. Tell the community what's on your mind. ", (and that did it. More information No Such Luck - Lucky Carol by TriassicLane More like this House Cartoon Cartoon Fan Cartoon Shows Upload your creations for people to see, favourite, and share. Now we've broken the shower." (With his remaining strength, he scrambles over to the house. The End. "Uh, sweetie," her dad said, in a nervous tone, "Think you and Luna can get out of the front seats, so I can drive us home." My disgust for them is almost as strong as Edwin's lust for blood. The squirrel mascot is dancing a little less energetic than usual. (She sees the smashed trophy case and gasps). "What she said is, that you two are grounded for two months and you can only leave this house to head to work or to go to the supermarket." I hate softball! Pulling out his walkie talkie, he said, "This is Hotel Officer Mooresfield. Reacting to The Loud House (Fanfic) - TV Tropes *Later in the Duke's room, Lincoln approaches Angus* Angus: Ah Lincoln, What's seems to be on your mind? Lynn and Lana were accidentally destroying the hotel shower. Dont rage out at us. "We just wanna tell you how much we HATE YOU, YOU GROSS UGLY THING!" Lori turned to face him, lowered the window and said, "What?" "Wait, what are you saying?" She was bringing Lincoln her Valentines day card.] The fact that you locked me out of my own home all because of superstitions ithurt, it really hurt it felt like a jab inmy heart." As long as I know that it'strue, I wouldn't let this stop me from loving you, or anyone else. I'll just play softball all by myself! Lincoln: Girls! Lynn Sr.: OUR ONLY SON DESPISES US, WE WERE COMPLETE IDIOTS, WE RUINED HIM AND WE DESERVE IT!!!! When Vanzilla pulled into the Loud Family driveway, Lori turned to her parents and said, "We're going to take our luggage up to our rooms. And she knew it wasn't about any massive gathering of one group for some kind of event because she would've been notified way ahead of time. "What do you kids want?" YOU'RE BANNED! Two more squirrels collide into each other and miss the catch. Speaking of, I plan to do another alternate ending to another Loud House episode, the ending for it might have been wholesome and good, I just feel that the events that happen in the episode could've been prevented if the siblings did this, that's all I'm going to say. We let superstitions get to us, and we did something no family should ever do. (Lynn looks confused.) Everyone turned to the doorway and saw the Loud kids standing there, red with rage and ready to destroy. Lucy said, as the siblings once again glared at their parents with anger. She whistles for Fangs. "Aunt Ruth," Rita said, trying to stop the kids from doing something they'd regret, "hang up the phone." Rusty has his own ritual before he plays with us. I wonder if the windows are locked?" MLP - Twilight Sparkle, Applejack and Pinkie. Lucy: Lincoln's right! She said, in an angry tone, before blowing a raspberry her parents, covering them in her spit. I'm supposed to be the most special Loud of all. The Loud House Encyclopedia is a FANDOM TV Community. Why do these three buffoons have the room. (The family submerge, coughing up water, covered in seaweed and muck, their sunnies, hats and sandals floating in the water and their swimsuits in tatters. Experimental One Shot. No such Luck: Repair not Revenge, a loud house fanfic | FanFiction Nosuchluck Stories - Wattpad Angus: Oh do tell. ", Lola:[to the mascot] "Um, do you mind, fur ball? (Inhales, then exhales) "I. Lisa: *Gasp* It's official! One of his friends added, "We're not messing with you. Look, I see sweaty footprints! "YOU THINK I ENJOY BEING VISITIED BY YOU LITTLE MONSTERS?! Lola: Me too! (Both glare at each other) First you threaten me with your lousy pop stick of a baseball bat to make me come to a disgusting game thats nothing but a waste of time, than you blame me for your loss, than you help ruin my life, than youre too stupid to listen to my confession and admit that you were wrong and than at another stupid game you dont even make it up to me and you make me into some silly object! Lana: You know, all of a sudden, I really hate myself! Share your thoughts, experiences, and stories behind the art. "Now go to your room," Lori said, pointing to their parents' bedroom, but when they still sat on the couch feeling guilty, she yelled, "NOW!" "Yeah, I guess that's fair," Luna said, "we made a promise with you and we couldn't keep it." ", Leni: (with a sad look on her face) "No. Lincoln is scared, expecting her to beat him up, but instead she wraps her arms around his neck and begins to cry), Lynn: (with a broken voice) "I'm so sorry Lincoln! No more Loud Family? Sweaty Pants here! (breaks from the hugs) *sighs* "I'm sorry for lying. The siblings had their arms either crossed on their chest or on their thighs in a wing stance, but they were all glaring at their parents. Upload stories, poems, character descriptions & more. I WISH YOU'D NEVER EXISTED!!!!! Lincoln said, as tears started forming in his eyes. He even then flips over and smashes the trophy case. Luan: (tearful) We'll never be able to show our faces in public again. They were upset and disappointed, their kids promised them they wouldn't cause any problems but they did. Fanfiction - No Such Luck Extention. I can't believe they said they'd tease you for eternity. Lynn added. nickelodeon nosuchluck theloudhouse # 11 The Black Cat's Curse by 890 7 4 "Nah, Aunt Ruth," Luna said, "you're gonna wanna listen to this." Lynn Sr.: Look, son, families will have bad days every now and than. I hate grave digging and poems and I HATE DESPICABLE SPORTS!!! "Same here." Maybe I should just quit the team. I came to your game to support you, not just because you threatened me with your bat. What seems to be the problem?" ", Luna: "No, you were right. ", Lincoln: "Well Luna, we all make mistakes. I need a very big, long rest from them. My first story is done. ", Lynn: "We forgot to lock the windows! I do not own Loud House, Spongebob Squarepants, The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron, Wayside or Loud House Tales. "So," Lori started with, in an icy tone, "Let's recall what we promised you when you agreed to take us on vacation." I loved winning so much that didn't take my failure like a good sport, and started thiswhole bycalling you bad luck. Upload your creations for people to see, favourite, and share. "Get every available hotel staff employee on high alert. The Princess and the Everlasting Emerald: A Royal Woods Fairytale. They were thinking that they should've told their kids no and that they were going to stay at Aunt Ruth's for the weekend. But dont worry, youre still a great writer. And with that, they headed towards the lobby. except in this story, the family never believed that he was bad luck in the first place. This article should a part 2 episode in Season 5. The woman groaned and responded with, "It's not so much the dip that got them in trouble, rather it was their lack of swimwear that did." Looking up from the soaking wet floor, the man said, in an unamused tone, "No. I hate that you don't love me anymore! So about the Duke, Had he ever felt like he was just a glorified peasant in his time around is ten sisters? Hearing that caused everyone to become shocked, but they didn't know what to say. N Eddy's big picture show . ), Lynn: (Screams in despair) ROASTED, BEATEN, VERBALLY THRASHED AND TOSSED INTO THE SEA BY MY ONLY BROTHER!!!! ", Sisters (sans Lynn, with sad looks on their faces): "No. It's not me who's the problem, it's you and your stubborn nature. And then blew more raspberries and spit on them some more (hopefully the last author interruption but if not then I'll let you know: I know her seat is located in the first row behind the driver in canon but for this instance of going along with not wanting to look at their parents, the siblings put Lily's seat in the far back to help the other siblings not have to look at their parents, I know this is a little wrong, but please understand it shows how mad the siblings are). He then grabs one of the sofa cushions and screams all his frustration into it.). "We don't have a hotel room anymore," Lincoln said, in a very angry tone that the parents weren't used to seeing. ", Lincoln: "Because your my sister." Lisa responded with in her genius talk. If you didn't show up, I don't want to think about what would've happened." Lincoln: I hate this! While this Season 2 Loud House episode might not be as bad as 'Brawl in the Family' or 'No Such Luck,' it's up there. Ronnie Anne sees Lincoln kicked out of his home and decides to take him out of there. He just looks away as he enters the police car, and is driven away to jail. ", Lincoln: "Just hear me out." "Sure thing," the voice on the other end said. You didn't deserve to win that stupid game or any game! That response caused an immediate reaction of confusion from the kids. "Yes," Lynn Sr. started with, "but to be fair you kids" He then lost his words when he saw his son giving a deep stone cold glare of anger, making him gulp in fear. They all shouted. THAT THING IS AS HIDEOUS AS YOU!" Despite the pain his body was in, Felix grabbed his walkie talkie and said, "Maddie." I can't believe I told him to back away from his own home! All rights belong to Nickelodeon. (The family screams in horror. He turned to specifically glare at the parents and added, "And just so you know, you're banned for life now. Lincoln is running through town, sweating, panting, tearful and very thirsty. I don't expect it to be good, I just felt like doing an alternative ending. Where did you get the gall to talk to us like that!? No such luck: alternate ending 2 by iann28 on DeviantArt N literature No such luck: alternate ending 2 Add to Favourites Comment By iann28 Published: Apr 5, 2018 Favourites 0 Comments 4.9K Views *Lincoln approaches the front yard with a megaphone. ", Lisa: "And if it's any consolation, you weren't the only one who should've thought about what you were doing. No one said anything, not the siblings, not the obnoxious guys, not Felix, not the woman on the other end, just silence. Rita got up from her seat and said, "Kids, let me explain" "Explain what?!" What's going on here?! ), Lincoln: "What am I doing here? ", Baseball Announcer: "The windup, the pitch. And we're sorry, but it's been so long since your father and I had time, real time, to ourselves and I guess we got carried away." Upload stories, poems, character descriptions & more. Lynn Loud Sr. and Rita Loud were in the spa, trying to get their minds off the trouble their kids caused yesterday. ", Rita: (with a broken voice) "We're so sorry Lincoln! "And mom should know better," Lori shouted back, glaring at her mother specifically, "Then to take us to that woman!" Anything bad happen then? "AND ONCE AGAIN, I HATE YOU TOO! ", Lisa: (with a broken voice, but not as loud): "Even an intelligence person such as myselffell for such bologna. ], Family: "CONGRATULATIONS! Rita: Okay Lincoln! "WE HATE DOING ALL THOSE CHORES FOR YOU, YOU FILTHY SLOB!" (The other sisters come over onto the main couch. "Get in here, now!," the man yelled, scaring the girl and making her run into the room like her butt was on fire. The Loud House Revamp: No Such Luck (Full Episode) SEE YOU NEVER!" Re-Uniting With Lincoln by KingMercury254. Morag: well, if you insist I suppose. Lucy: Helping a brother who helped me. There's a massive storm heading your way." UPDATE: 20/04/2018- the next chapter has been written I just need to correct some thing's from this chapter. I can't believe I just hit one of my own sisters! Hahahaha! Share your thoughts, experiences, and stories behind the art. Post a journal. "Aren't you guys going to help us?" DeviantArt Protect. The furniture was all over the place, the shower was ruined, the air conditioner was gone and he noticed a 17-year old girl with blonde hair in a blue shirt outside, about to jump from the side of the balcony. Youve ruined my life and made me look like a melting snow cone!! It was wrong of me to blame you for my failure and call you bad luck! ", Lincoln:[scared] "Lynn's right! And, as a result, everyone, including the obnoxious guys and Lucy, were terrified. He crawls over to the kitchen sink and drinks deeply.). BECAUSE I DON'T WANT YOU LITTLE DEMONS ANYWHERE NEAR MY HOUSE AGAIN!" Fund your creativity by creating subscription tiers. Fund your creativity by creating subscription tiers. I hate the fact that I was ever related to you monsters! Lynn Sr. stuttered for a few moments and said, "Ground us?! (looks at Lincoln with a smile and puts a hand on his shoulder) "All of us. (Cries) All my precious tiaras. I'll definitely come to your next game, Lynn. As much as she didn't want to, she knew that slamming the door in his face would make the situation even worse than it already was, so she opened the door enough for him to get in. Post an update . She knew it didn't mean the weather, it was going to be bright and sunny all day. You tricked us in the first place. Rita: I guess this is what we get for selling all his stuff. House of Lies alt ending14. We were given the room." Both Lynn Sr. and Rita responded in a slow, nervous stutter, "Yes." (heads to Vanzilla and gets inside, they drive of to the movies). ", Lynn: 'Oh my gosh, you're right. The siblings glared at her for a moment but saw she had a point, it didn't make sense to ground her or Lily for that matter, she was a baby, anything she did wasn't entirely her fault. Later, in jail). ESPECIALLY THE EXTRA TOE! Lincoln: "Oh really." She's trying to say she was wrong, but her mouth is pathologically incapable of saying those words. Theres no need for such vile, hateful behaviour, elder brother! WE MAKE EVERYTHING WORSE!!! You don't care about me, you think I'm nothing, but a thing, you care about no one, but yourselves, you never wanted a boy, you don't have feelings, you all feel NOTHING ANYMORE!!! Post-Story Notice: Anyway. No Such Luck Aftermath - Moving Out - The Loud House Fanon Wikia

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the loud house no such luck alternate ending deviantart

the loud house no such luck alternate ending deviantart