bible code 4

You must be born again! Note about the three circles of the Moth Bible Code. tree, then He arose; and having completed His metamorphosis (so to speak), He ascended up into the heavens! In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. fadeimages[5]="images/2b-4-moth-cocoon-bible-code.gif" If a major Korean war starts first, then Russia and China will get into a war with the USA, before Syria. By this, God testifies that Jesus came, Many critics found the book unscientific, arbitrary and curiously weighted toward people and events relevant to an American living in the 20th century. By proceeding, you consent to our cookie usage. Examine everything you believe and why you believe it. This is the real holy code of the scriptures, not a statistical hoax. Issay = Yahweh is salvation. The Crop Circle is a continuing phenomena that have many intellectuals studying their patterns for encoded messages. The latest in End Times NewsandPropheticdiscoveries as presented byThe Armageddon Broadcast Network. future. It was discovered and put on the internet as the 12 comets began Let's take the first verse in the Bible, Genesis 1:1. function fadepic(){ Allows instant real-time searches, with an autocompleter droplist to assist with words which come next. FROM HER TOXEMIA LEAR - Toxemia was the official medical reason for His preterm delivery. The concept of B ible codes, also known as Torah Codes, is based on the idea that . 28 Wherever the body will be, there will the eagles be gathered.". 6. So please click here for undeniable proof. All new articles are found at In the early 1990s, the Israeli mathematician Eliyahu Rips and his colleagues performed an experiment. Copyright 2020-2023. curimageindex=(curimageindex' -1- -2- -3- -4- (-5-) Original Bible Foundation. Strong delusion of fake coming of Jesus. of early 2008, with someone in it on the way to meet the President. Daniel 11:40 Follow Christ. (Any natural father knows that anger with love is not a contradiction.) billion-billon. All your information you submitted to is encrypted. rotateimage() var temp='setInterval("fadepic()",50)' We take look at an example, in English, based on the Titanic., a ship that became famous following its sinking after hitting an iceberg on its maiden voyage. Parsing Code. Click here to learn how the coronavirus plague was predicted in Revelation 6 and how it relates to the planned Chinese invasion of the USA. The word Gospel means "Good News," and the Good News is that you can be saved by grace through faith in Yeshua (Jesus). The profession fit his personality. As a Hebrew school student, Michael Drosnin was asked to write down what he had learned. If nothing else, this conveys that there is an ongoing interest in the Bible codes. var nextimageindex=1 There are also 45 thousand likes, 21 thousand comments and 112 thousand shares. March 24, 2016 Newsletter on March 23-24, Obama made headline news by dancing, while the Syrian government military began a military campaign to retake the city of Palmyra which is the city that held the temple of Baal/Bel, which was destroyed by ISIS in August 2015. This is why the branch reads: "The blood of Jesus (salvation) is in the waters." curimageindex+1 : 0 ELS random placement model text population*, Elokim : An example of Equidistant Word Sequences (EWS), Bible Code phenomenon : Equidistant Letter Sequences, Bible Code phenomenon : Equidistant Word or Expression Sequences (Primers), User Guide, FAQ and Video demo available online, compatible with Michigan-Clairmont transliteration scheme, Export your findings (matrix, legend and report) in bmp or jpg format, Save your work in a Project File and load it when you want to resume work, Torah book : Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, Control Texts : Torah and Tanakh monkey texts, War and Peace, Torah book : Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, NEW! Michael Alan Drosnin was born on Jan. 31, 1946, in Brooklyn and remained a lifelong New Yorker. ABD Pro is the ultimate solution to find significant . Cookie Notice: Our website uses cookies to store user preferences. I explained how this is very obviously an allusion to the various accounts of the transfiguration of Christ found in the synoptic gospelswhere Moses and Elijah appear in heavenly glory standing on a mountain next to Jesus as he is transfigured in front of Peter James and John (Matt. var crossobj=tempobj=ie4? "canvas0" : "canvas1" It is the kind of cloud that seems to know exactly where it wants to be. For example, see the "Lion (That is, the well known 7-year covenant broken in the middle for us, see Daniel WHERE TO LISTEN: Apple Podcasts, Breaker, Google Podcasts, Overcast, Radio Public, and Spotify. Downloads: 0 This Week Last Update: 2013-04-24 See Project PowerSong (Based on "Moth Bible Code"). no one could accuse me of tampering with the dates after the fact. Ch. Mr. Drosnin offered more revelations in The Bible Code II (2002), another best seller, in which he claimed the 2001 attack on the World Trade Center had been predicted and warned that the world might have only three years left to avoid Armageddon. That may sound like an Indiana Jones plot, but "The Bible Code" had its roots in science. Those who are in Christ are under grace---even when they are punished. Kennedy appeared near the word Dallas. Hitlers name, written upside down, appeared 20 rows from Nazi, written backward. Try our first release as well, Holmes Free : the. resetit(curcanvas) nextcanvas=(curcanvas=="canvas0")? New International Version (NIV) Bible Book List. The Bible code in Zechariah 4:1-2 is yet another member of a large body of irrefutable biblical evidence which collectively points to the inevitable conclusion that the two olive trees in the Zechariah 4 vision represent the Old and New Testaments. The book says the code, found in the Bible by an Israeli computer expert, also foretold many other of history's major events and warns of an atomic war that could bring the end of the world in . The meanings of all 70 names (and Video). :1 Again the word of the LORD came unto me, saying, 2 Son of man, speak to the children of thy people, and say unto them, When I bring the sword upon a land, if the people of the land take a man of their coasts, and set him for their watchman: 3 If when he seeth the sword come upon the land, he blow the trumpet, and warn the people; 4 Then whosoever heareth the sound of the trumpet, and taketh not warning; if the sword come, and take him away, his blood shall be upon his own head. God backs up great claims with great signs. HE IS THE MESSIAH! VI. This program is a Java GUI that supplies a Bible verse (s) and an associated challenge as well as some features like journaling and customizable settings. var slideshow_width='230px' //SET IMAGE WIDTH There are specific rules to decipher this hidden code!, pub-4331939769774858, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0. false predictions that people carelessly make, Away with any site that does not, rather, cannot, do this! The '7-year covenant' is broken in the middle Still lost? This outbreak began very near to where I lived and in the hospital Bible Code is compatible with iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPhone 5, iPhone 5s, iPhone 5c, iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus, iPad 2, iPad 3, iPad 4, iPad Air, iPad Mini, iPad Mini Retina, iPad Mini 3. iOS 8 or later required. Continue to grow/mature into the center of His will., Also see, Solomon said: 2 The Glory of God is the keeping of a matter secret, and the glory of kings is the searching through a matter (Proverbs 25). John, a disciple of Christ, walked and talked with Him while He was here on the earth. of Daniel 12. Fulfilled, click here to learn what happened! bolically is where "the eagles be gathered" (Matthew 24:28). The study and results from this cipher have been popularized by Michael Drosnin's book The Bible Code. In the Torah Code app you can use 4 functions: Search for words and phrases in the Bible Search and calculate numerology in the Bible (calculation includes regular gematria, small gematria,. document.write('

') Parse Colors. 9:24-27, etc. Saudi Arabia and Iran are in the process of war! There is a major war ongoing in the Middle East! By spreading the word, I think Michael would say he had done something of great good., Michael Drosnin, Who Found Clues in the Bible, Is Dead at 74, goes through each of the 12 tribes of Israel (one comet for each eval("document.all. fadeimages[12]="images/1-10-moth bible code-3-cross.gif" //This credit MUST stay intact for use Click here for immediate access the Hebrew Names Version (HNV) of the Bible. if (ie4||dom){ - the first is to calculate the R-factor (statistical value) of each ELS that appears in the matrix and thus compute an approached probability of the matrix, * 3 protocols : as explained by Pr Haralick and Pr Rips in Torah Codes: a glimpse into the infinite. as predicted. The text of the Bible is read with a skip of S letters (S can be positive or negative). Thus, the moth of God symbolizes Jesus---our Creator! 2,The Abomination of Desolation Throughout History; Ch. "), Jesus died for both Jew and Gentile. Contemporary discussion and controversy . (For all true codes reveal Jesus the Messiah, or they are not authentic. Search Bibles. Download Latest Version for Windows Bible Code - Learning Bible Terminology 1/3 The Divine Coders Bible Code software was designed by trained professionals for the average consumer. Of his four books, three were best sellers, including the first, Citizen Hughes (1985), a portrait of the reclusive billionaire Howard Hughes as revealed through stolen office memos. Anyone can read what you share. This is a reconstruction of the second ever code discovered with CodeFinder just over 6 years ago. Mr. Drosnin based his book on that research, adding discoveries of his own. It is a video of a cloud, but not just any cloud. Please note that credit card numbers and account information are not stored on our server in order to ensure your security. I do not know where all this will end up. The mene-tekel I did not have to go back and give excuses for why a prediction did not Thus, the moth upon the branch represents the demands of the Law, but the branch represents the cross upon which Jesus died to pay for the demands of the Law. either. 3. And Yeshua where? CLICK HERE (The Gospel), For God so loved the world, that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have eternal life., Israel Video Tour (CBN): Tel Aviv and Israels Coastline, The Great American Eclipse (August 21 September 22, 2017), Worldwide End Times Signs [The Two Preachers]. In this brief post, I am going to publish yet another independent line of evidence which reinforces these conclusions. (This is what the water and blood passage means, check any commentary if you don't believe me!) But these are the most unreliable. else curcanvas=(curcanvas=="canvas0")? LORD GOD CODER ELOHIM TRUTH. ABD Pro sofware is suitable for novice users that want to experience the Bible Code phenomenon, as well as for advanced researchers that want to use the best Bible Code Software available today. You are about to see an incredible 3D animation about this time period. The encryption spans across 9 books of the Bible, beginning in Numbers 14:12 . " " When my critics find a message about the assassination of a prime minister encrypted in Moby Dick, I'll believe them. On either side of the bowl are two olive treesone on the left and one on the right. (Also see, "Why signs?"). results for tornadoes Daniel 12:4 "But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, until the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.". (The moth Within just two days of being posted, this video already has 3.7 million views. Glazerson relies on a concept known as Bible Codes, sequences, clusters and complex word associations found in the Torah and believed by some to contain hidden messages that were placed there. What Is ORIGINAL BIBLE CODES? they know that He Himself relented for mercies sake, and that He just Free downloads. Even now I, personally, may lose my best, and well needed, cleaning customer simply because people are afraid to go to the dentist! For God so loved the world, that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have eternal life. (John 3:16 HNV). 2. better than all the others that have no upgrades since many years. if (ie4||dom) Bible Code is compatible with Android version 4.x and up. warned people, but it did not happen because people took warning Military Trained in Encoding and Decoding messages for the battlefield. (For that article posted on our forum back on Jan. 17th, see He ate with Him, rubbed shoulders with Him, saw His miracles first-hand, heard His many sermons, was present . You were told to watch for it on this website! Copy & Edit . Use ABD Pro power to find secret codes in just a few minutes. "blood of salvation" and "amazing (trembling) Grace." 2:1-12 Matt.24:15 Dan.12:1 (I know that sounds strange. Obama, then some related event should occur instead, such a downed plane Some truly provocative books have been published highlighting some amazing discoveries that would seem to . fadeimages[3]="images/3-moth bible code-coccon.gif" I have already demonstrated in a previous article that the statement bhar hem lid yeshu (meaning: On the mountain they are next to Jesus) is encrypted in Zechariah 4:7-5:9 at an ELS of every 67 letters. They are 13, 22, and 14-letters long. Is the writing-on-the-wall Bible Code for Saddam Hussein, to appear in the heavens, and this continued one after the other for 3.5 Initially discovered by Professor Rips, absolute mathematical proof ofthe "GodCodes" with the Father confirming the Son, found in the book of Genesis. What is Neat! happen, as many others do on the internet. of predicting when 20 named storms would occur in the 2011 season More often than not, they do not even meet one single On this page I show how easy it is to search for Bible Codes on your own PC. fadeimages[7]="images/6-moth code-2wings.gif" Free Online App to Find Equidistant Letter Sequences (ELS Codes) Use the form below to search for ELS codes in a block of text in any UTF-8 language. He is the resurrection! Their predictions do not come to pass. - Watch Feb. 23, 2008 (True Purim) for possible event. Enter code Log in Education University. Or, "President Obama must have read To God Be All The Glory! Matthew 24:27"For just as lightning goes out from The East and appears unto The West, so will the coming of The Son of Man be. It must begin in Syria and Israel. back then, I was able to accurately predict when the two separate waves READ MORE Click here to visit our Facebook page. fadeimages[2]="images/2b-4-moth-cocoon-bible-code.gif" Also ANGELS.NET and ANGELS.ORG. (They did. Bible Code: With Cosma Shiva Hagen, Olivier Sitruk, Miguel Herz-Kestranek, Joachim Fuchsberger. 6 But if the watchman see the sword come, and blow not the trumpet, and the people be not warned; if the sword come, and take any person from among them, he is taken away in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at the watchman's hand. 6 . Continue with Google. Use the "Selected Literature" box on the left to load up parts of the Bible and other literature to search. We then remove all punctuation, spaces, and we make all the letters the same case (lower case or upper case). Each NFT is marked T1 to T4 for the four code2GOD Club tiers with lifetime benefits: a trip to Israel, Germany/France, soulmate finder, blessings, MaxMyLife counseling, DAO ownership, and physical art of your NFT. The Bible Code. I simply share with you some of what God has shown me. The statistical likelihood of the Bible code arising by chance has been thoroughly researched, and it is now widely considered to be statistically . Recall the "blood and Download KingJamesPureBibleSearch for free., In the days before this, Iran conducted a massive missile strike against Saudi Arabia which was also very historic. The prediction first began with the SARS outbreak seven years This is why the first 1260 letters of the code are in Hebrew and the second 1260 letters are in Babylonian, (i.e., Aramaic). Sample: very limited 111 NFT ORIGINAL BIBLE CODES collection The Bible code (Hebrew: ", hatzofen hatanachi), also known as the Torah code, is a purported set of encoded words within a Hebrew text of the Torah that, according to proponents, has predicted significant historical events. In yet another previous post, I also made the related claim that the two witnesses (symbolized as two olive trees in the Zechariah 4 vision) are Moses and Elijah, who themselves function within the biblical canon as personifications of the Old and New Testaments. If you filter the results by view count, you will realize that the top videos have hundreds of thousands of views each. GUI Application to Search and Count the Pure King James Bible. In 1975, he earned praise for an article in New Times magazine exposing the federal governments lack of action regarding the dangers of aerosol sprays to the ozone layer. "The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophesy," (Revelation 19:10). There are two main processes : It is a loving spanking--a controlled anger. This is an educational and possibly spiritual site. alone -- without a single failure -- would be about one in a Upload a snapshot of your results to Facebook, share your discoveries and more. No Torah Code Researcher can dispute this finding. Since then many codes have been found that prove beyond doubt that God authored and encoded the original Torah and Tanakh (remaining books of the Old Testament). else if ( Prepare now! And if I say, I will not make mention of him, nor speak any more in his name, then there is in my heart as it were a burning fire shut up in my bones, and I am weary with forbearing, and I Though his Bible Code series attracted religious followers (as well as a certain fringe element), he didnt embrace such readers or make a connection with them. Our mission is to provide the proof of an intelligent designer (GOD) of our lives, our world, and possibly the universe. Jesus is not some reincarnation. The graph also revealed the word, "Tishrei ()" the month in which Sukkoth takes place. curpos=10 ANCHOR FM PODCAST:The Wise Shall Understand eval("document.all. Educate yourself concerning the evil Babylonian Y names such as Yeshua, Yahweh, Jehovah, etc. Stop muddying the waters! I would like to share yet another Bible code I recently found that provides additional support for this conclusion. My rant against WESTWARDS THE PLENARY RAYMOND ME RAY YAH THREATENERTHUS TO SIGNAL. KJV NKJV NLT NIV ESV CSB NASB20 NASB95. A Primer on the Torah Codes Controversy for Laymen 4 . Read more about this offer on this page. fadeimages[8]="images/9-moth code-3wings.gif" Presented by The Ecumenical Order of Christ, 240 pages of;evidence, teachings, prophetic fulfillment's, and timelines put together in a clear format confirming the obvious, Christ Has Returned! The Bible Code opens with a stunning moment: The author, having discovered a biblical passage suggesting that Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin of Israel would be assassinated, hops on a plane in 1994 to deliver a letter of warning. For example, if a code were about a plane crash with President 4, August 1997; includes "The Secret . It is then possible to find equidistant letter sequence (ELS) of one or more terms. Based upon that bible prophecy code and the signs that God showed me All of this is described in considerable detail in the book of Revelation (See chapters 20 through 22). (Direct) A major Korean war can not begin until after the middle east war occurs first. God's Objective in recording the Bible is ___ and ____ (spell it out fully, no acronyms!) The message doesnt alter the course of events Mr. Rabin was shot and killed a year later but, as Mr. Drosnin writes, it was dramatic confirmation of the Bible code. 4:1-14) functions within the biblical canon as a symbol of the completed Holy Bibledivided into two testaments containing 39 books and 27 books. And most important So even though some skeptical people have dismissed the significance of the Bible codes, the worldwide fascination with the Bible codes cannot be denied. CLICK HERE "Dear God, I am a sinner and need your forgiveness. However, I was careful to note back then that this might what we see on the internet is false. into disrepute, they do not reflect all the facts. * WRR Distance : distance between two words as explained by Witztum, Rips and Rosenberg in the journal Statistical Science, Vol. the largest nft marketplace,best nft on opensea,nft token opensea,opensea nft bible,opensea coinmarketcap,opensea cost,opensea cryptokitties,opensea list,cryptopunk nft opensea,best nft to buy on opensea,open sea app nft,biggest nft platform,nft biggest marketplace,cost to mint nft on opensea,opensea mint price,opensea new nft,wallets for opensea,opensea token,opensea nft platform,opensea rarible,cost to sell nft on opensea,opensea iOS app,nft sea io,opensea sales,opensea nft reddit,open sea punks,list on opensea,popensea,token opensea,opensea traders,free nft opensea,coinbase to opensea,sea nft marketplace,a16z opensea,opensea cryptopunks,openocean nft,openocean crypto,largest nft,opensea minting cost,opensea github,crypto punk openseaadd opensea nft to metamask,open sea,opensea metamask,opensea with metamask,top nft on opensea,opensea nft to metamask,,opensea nft market,opensea crypto coin,opensea site,open sea company,blankos opensea,openocean token price,trezor opensea,coinbase and opensea,opensea crypto punk,opensea to metamask,cryptopunks opensea,buy nft opensea,opensea nft discord,nft platform opensea,opensea with coinbase,openseas crypto,opensea native token,opensea top,ooe kucoin,opensea axie,nft marketplace like opensea,ocean nft marketplace,axie opensea,opensea minimum bid,opensea about,opensea nft sales,creating an nft on opensea,ooe crypto price,opensea crypto token,opensea top nft,marketplace opensea,opensea blockchain,opensea marketplace,opensea gas price,largest nft crypto,dappradar opensea,largest nft sold,opensea immutable,biggest nft market place,opensea coin price,opensea marketcap,opensea coinbase,best nft opensea,connect metamask to opensea,open sea reserve price,opensea iphone app,opensea invest,rarible on opensea,opensea binance,biggest nft art marketplace,opensea nft cost,invest opensea,opensea nft free,opensea open source,largest nft marketplace,opensea market,opensea and coinbase,opensea hours,nft marketplace sea,opensea a16z,opensea cryptocurrency,opensea twitter,opensea coin,binance opensea,opensea buy,invest in opensea,creating nft on opensea,opensea crunchbase,opensea nft marketplace,metamask and opensea,crypto art opensea,opensea coin binance,opensea governance token,nft size opensea,opensea list nft,opens3a,opensesa,opensea art,trustwallet opensea,opensea token coinmarketcap,open sea art nft,using opensea,coinbase opensea,largest nft platform,opensea dappradar,opensea buy with credit card,metaverse opensea,largest nft marketplaces,opensea ios,opensea crypto coin price,sea nft market,dotdotdot nft opensea,list nft on opensea,binance to opensea,opensea now,reserve price opensea,opensea dmca,opensea telegram,beeple open sea,opensea yc,openseaio,metaverse hq opensea,nft crypto opensea,opensea ledger,opensea reddit,best nft projects on opensea,opensea nft coin,largest nft platforms,opensea projects,open sea digital art,opensea nifty gateway,polygonpunk,opensea nft stock,nft on opensea,opensea nft token,opensea and metamask,opensea users,opensea bep20,blockchain opensea,highest selling nft on opensea,best wallets for opensea,punks opensea,opensea 1155,opensea platform,star atlas opensea,opensea compatible wallets,bitchcoin opensea,opensea supported wallets,opensea nft metamask,opensea nft price,upcoming nft projects opensea,buy nft on opensea,biggest nft marketplace,major nft platforms,largest nft market,opensea buy now,rarible opensea,cryptokitties opensea,immutable opensea,ledger opensea,opensea buy nft,minted opensea,opensea crypto price,opensea nft crypto,opensea official website,whats opensea,opensea wallets,opensea metamask connect,opensea discord,opensea website,open ocean crypto coin,opensea token price,opensea nft minting cost,opensea registry,buy opensea token,opensea connect metamask,opensea video nft,open sea nft art,opensea nft app,buy opensea,opensea free,opensea price.

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bible code 4