was terry hobbs ever found

When questioned later by police, he claims that on the day of the murders he was heading out to meet up with Jesse Misskelley at his Lakeshore trailer but never met up with him. I cant be sure, but its possible that the interviewer in this deposition meant Roy not Ray. Misskelly later recanted and claimed he was tired, ready to go home, and said what the detectives wanted him to say. Occult shit is my best guess at this point. Perhaps. RIDGE ALRIGHT, DID SHE KNOW WHERE HE HAD BEEN? The kick, along with the humiliation of being spied on, would have made Terry snap because he did not stand for any kind of disobedience. Here are two statements made by Narlene to police about LG. THEY UM. Terry Hobbs was born in 1958 and grew up in Northern Arkansas. In the first one, she is relaying to police a conversation she had with her sister in law about LG and his family and the way they all were behaving a few days after the murder. thanks for the recommendation!! and our In order to have a deeper understanding of what happened, we must start at the beginning. "Yes I do have doubts. On the night of the 5th LGs aunt Dixie told police and her sister, Narlene, that LG was dropped off at the Laundromat where she worked in a small, light colored car. The use of hobbling helps to quickly control the animal as well as making transportation of the animal more easy. Either way, its awfully peculiar that there is a question that implies something sexualabout the nature of Terry and Davids relationship. The two teens apparently complied with Terrys demands and ripped the clothes off of the children. According to Pams family, Stevie was terrified of Terry. Memories of events are easy to remember, specific times when events occurred are much more difficult to pinpoint. In West Memphis, Hobbs worked as an ice cream delivery man and Hicks worked at a restaurant. It wasnt until the following day when clothes began to emerge from the water, that police found the bodies. and apparently to Pam too, iirc discovering this is what lead to her statement that she believes he was involved in the murder of her son. When he found out his friends were missing, he immediately told his mom that they had to go the clubhouse in the woods. The evidence that supports this theory is in the injury to Steve Branchs face and back of the head. I've gone down this rabbit hole time and time again. What really stands out to me, is that farmers and hunters use this method of tying a hog arm to leg in a method called hobbling. In addition to the Ballard sighting, there is more evidence that supports the boys were with Terry around 5pm. RIDGE: ALRIGHT. These statements have protected Hobbs for seven years. Why would he ask Terry where Stevie was if he literally had seen Stevie riding in the street with his friends a few minutes prior? Not only did Terry whip Stevie for not listening, but Pam was strict as well. And, is it just a coincidence that LG and Terry were unaccounted for that night and then, strangely, they both made public appearance right at 9:00 pm at night? What was he doing for so many hours in that small patch of woods? By the time the crime scene was cleaned up, it would have likely been around 8pm; dark, which I believe helped the four escape undetected. The new documents. The legal troubles of Terry Hobbs and John Mark Byers ~Even Peretti agrees that Chris had post mortem wounds in his groin area as well as pre mortem. The bathroom window over my tub was partially open and my yelling could be heard outside. WAS IT LIKE EVERY DAY OR ONCE WEEK OR JUST FIVE DIFFERENT TIMES YOU SAW IT HAPPEN?AARON: IT WAS EVERY DAY BUT, IT WAS EVERY TIME, BUT IT EVERY TIME BUT UM, THE FRIDAY. In addition to Billys statements and the similar questions asked in the 2009 deposition that both pointed to Terry Hobbs being an alleged homosexual or bisexual man, the criminal profiler Brent Turvey claimed in 1996 that whoever committed this murder was a closet homosexual who projected a macho image. I wonder if Michael and Chris knew that one of the men was Stevies stepdad and that is the reason they never told Stevie what they saw in those woods. Actually, Buddy and LG are theonlytwo people in twenty years of suspects and allegations that had family member come forward and say that they had blood on them following the murders. Or alone at night with people swarming the area. (1) When Stevies autopsy was performed, a partially digested green-vegetable like substance was found in his belly. What is stranger, and in complete contrast to what was previously said, David also claims that he and Terry were out searching the streets for Stevie before dark. They happen to not agree with all of his interpretations. However, therearesuspects and there is an abundance of evidence open to the public. The Puzzle of the West Memphis Murders A boy who is passed out does not need his clothes ripped off as quickly or roughly as one who is awake and struggling. Peretti believed that and the Echols defense team, although claiming that Chris must have drowned, all admitted that Chris died while he was being tied up. Even worse, Terry claims that he had arrived at Jacobys already searching for the boys, while David claimed that Terry arrived with the boys behind him in the street and apparently told David that he was allowing them to play until dark. JMB is a freaking nut but I think he loved Michelle so much that when Chris died, she did, too. HE SAID NO, THERE, YOU KNOW YOU CAN TELL WHEN YOUR CHILD IS LYING AND IT WAS LIKE HE KNEW SOMETHING WAS UP. He was also a minister in the Apostolic Pentecost Church, a fundamentalist group. Perhaps she felt obligated to lie about Damien in order to get him arrested for a murder she believed he committed. I rewatched the paradise lost docs and in the last one, just before the murders, Pam had "kissed a Mexican" and Terry said that years later when he brought on the lawsuit with Natalie Maines. Why was he lying? Terry showed up at his good friend Davids house to drop off Amanda so he and David could go buy marijuana. First of all, she claims that her husband, her three children and her sons girlfriend were all in the car that night and two of her children even testified in court about the sighting. Have you ever have you ever sexuallypropositioned David Jacoby? There is more evidence, also, that LG never went home that afternoon. Terry is an absolute sadist, psychopath and was never properly investigated, and I know The Hobbs Family Secret is true, possibly The Puzzle. Echols lawyer, Patrick Benca, reviewed evidence earlier this year that was thought to have been lost. But there also had to be an injury there to begin with. was terry hobbs ever found. This is when Terry and David would have allegedly arrived at Lakeshore, seen Buddy and LG walking together and asked them who was holding weed. One mystery that has plagued people who have followed the case, is why it appeared that Stevie and Chris were tortured while Michael was not. : de-gloving, was because of animal predation that occurred after death. So the chance of them basing their statements off of the practically endless information found on the internet is nil. That hair was then secured to Michaels body as Terry tied him up. This is the reason why David remembers the three playing; two on bicycles and one on a skateboard. The reason for this is because LG lived very close to both the Byers and the Moores. RIDGE: OKAY, WHAT DO YOU THINK HAPPENED TO THEM? Why would either of these men lie about who they talked to that night unless they both were lying and couldnt get their stories straight? RIDGE: OKAY, UH, YOUR SAYING THEIR DOING THINGS LIKE MAN AND WOMEN WOULD BE DOING. He told the exact same story even though the two men were not in prison together. However, is it simply a coincidence that the statements that Aaron told police in 1993 coincide so perfectly with the alleged confessions that Buddy and LG made in 1994 and were later retold in 2012? RIDGE: OKAY. However, knowing that a DNA sample was found on Stevies penis coupled with the knowledge that Chris may have allegedly been bitten on his penis and scrotum as well, I feel the chances are quite high that Stevie, too, may have been bitten in his penis. Terry was born in Northern Arkansas and grew up in the Ozark Mountain region of the state. Not even Damien, Jason or Jessie had any of that happen to them, and they were the ones who were falsely arrested for the crime. In truth, this theory would finally explain and clarify, really,why the boys had animal hair on them if they were pulled from the water. Terry's father became a skilled butcher while in the military and used this knowledge to open about thirty restaurants. His father, Joe Dean Hobbs, was a minister at the Apostolic Pentecost Church. I also believe this is why the boys got separated. Seeing animal prints in the woods at that time, or tire tracks in the field would not have been meaningful to them at all at that point. Then, I believe that Terry began to attack Stevies face by biting him and even possibly striking his face with the corner of the board. Timeline: 2;30 Pam Hicks, Stevie and Amanda walk home from school. The day when they finally made a grid to cover the entire woods and nearby field, was on either the 7th or 8th of May, a full two or three days after the murder. In 2007 it was discovered that a hair that had been found underneath a ligature on Michael Moores nude body, belonged to Terry Hobbs. One of the most vital components of this theory is whether LG and Buddy had alibis for this night. Also, although this may seem insignificant, Anthony Hollingsworth, LGs cousin, made a statement in May of 1993 that LG acts like he is gay. WHAT DID IT SMELL LIKE DID IT STINK?AARON: YEAH (YES) IT STUNKRIDGE: WHAT IT SMELL LIKE?AARON: IT SMELLED LIKE, IT SMELLED LIKE A CIGARETTE JUST GETTING LILT BUT IT WAS A DIFFERENT KINDAaron tells police why he believes his friends were killed: RIDGE: TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK HAPPENED?AARON: THEY UM, THEY WENT DOWN TO WATCH THOSE MEN AND. This would be something he could rationalize and also something that would anger him. Published: May. This is most likely when Stevie asked Terry if he could continue riding bikes with his friends. In 2011, the defendants were released from prison by accepting an Alford Plea, which allowed them to maintain their innocence and get out of prison, However, the plea didnt clear their convictions and all three men still have a murder charge on their record, despite their release from prison. He flat out states that there is "not one shred of evidence and noting in the behavioral backgrounds of Damien Echols, Jason Baldwin, or Jessie Misskelley Jr. to suggest that any were guilty of murder." Ok, now kiss. Its likely that Terry was already heading to Billy Stewarts home since, according to Billy, he was Terrys drug dealer at this time. Its also extremely suspicious and coincidental that Dixie Huffords description of the car that dropped off LG would be so eerily similar to the car that Terry actually drove at the time and the car that he would have used to pick Pam up from work. 9pm the night of the 5th so we need to theorize what may have happened because he has no alibi. I also went back and caught Pam in 93 saying that TH didn't get mad, he got even. Now what did LG have to hide? That 1 cop cannot be subjected to the stigma of liking dick. In 2011, after 18 years in prison, the three innocent men were released on an Alford Plea. Indicating that, just like the 4perp indicates, Stevie was alive the longest. Additionally, Stevie, by both Pam and Terrys accounts was a well behaved boy who did not disobey. Even Terry said they usually ate dinner before Pam left for work (2). Terry Hobbs was born in 1958 in Northern Arkansas, one of four children, son of Edith Raylean McLeod Hobbs and Joe Dean Hobbs, Sr. Hobbs, Sr. learned his trade as a butcher while in the military and went on to open thirty restaurants. It would explain SO MUCH about how Hobbs flew under the radar. Shortly after this, Terry Hobbs noticed that the three boys were spying on the men. According to Buddys confession, the men then drove him back to Lakeshore and dropped him off. As mentioned earlier, Terry Hobbs, like John Mark Byers before him, was fingered as a suspect in 2012's West of Memphis after a hair found at the crime scene was genetically matched to him. The day after the boys went missing before they were even found, Michael Moore's parents asked Aaron's mother, Vickie Hutchinson, if Aaron could be removed from school to help find the boys. After ending his first marriage, he wed Pamela Hicks Branch in 1986, when her son Stevie was almost 2 years old. If she really didnotsee Damien on the road that night (which shedidnt) why was shesosure that Damien was not with his mother? If you read Jacobys interview and declaration, they both give Hobbs an alibi and they both make it impossible for Hobbs to have committed the crime without Jacoby having noticed something peculiar about Hobbs. He was home during the evenings when his wife worked a four-hour shift at Catfish Island. For me Hobbs did it. Or, who were free to murder the victims from 7:00- 8:00pm that night. I admit that when I first read the alleged Buddy/LG confessions I was skeptical. In his first interview, taken shortly after the murders, he claims he went home in the early afternoon but then changes his story and puts himself in Lakeshore at 4:30. Por - 10 junio 2022. Those who didnt know the case that well simply believed that Chris entire penis and scrotum had been cut off with a knife. This means that by the time the four men would have attacked, stripped and tied up the boys, it would have only been somewhere around 7:30 at night. This theory was supported by police who were at the crime scene. To me, this shows that Michael was not conscious or struggling when he was stripped naked and because of that, his clothes were more gently removed. And that 1 cop will know that a member of that community being subjected to questioning for a crime of this nature could lead down all sorts of paths: one of those paths being that Terry likes dick and is part of a small community that likes dick and that that 1 cop likes dick. Listening now! I believe the clubhouse was mainly a concealed spot where the boys played. VICKIE: SO THEN UM, II JUST GOT AARON OUT OF THERE BECAUSE YOU KNOW. So why didnt Terry return to the Moores house in the four frantic hours he searched for Stevie in their tiny neighborhood? Echols is one of three men found guilty in the brutal murders of three eight-year-old boys in West Memphis in 1993. Not only are their alibis remarkably different, they actually contradict and conflict with each other. Sex always wins and a casual look through history will show that people are gonna get off to what they need to get off to. They were convicted of the murders of three 8 year old boys and the public took an interest in them, with documentaries being made proclaiming their innocence. When Narlene was interviewed she claimed to have dropped LG off at his home. I met Terry Hobbs through a mutual friend, Roy Taylor. I believe that she knew that LG was somehow involved in the murders. http://callahan.8k.com/pdf/de_dnamotion3_30_11.pdf. Hair found at . Stevie promises and the boys leave. I allege that Terry came home right after 5pm and Stevie was headed to the house at this time. Had LG engaged in sexual activity with Hobbs and Jacoby prior to this day? Why didnt Terry search for Stevie at the Moores? What other reason could there be? These alleged confessions did not, and could not, comefrom intense online investigation. One woman, in particular, saw the boys inside the woods from her truck when traffic has slowed. It means its likely that he never went home. In fact, the very first place that he and Pam looked before Pam went to work was Michaels house. These boards were right next to the clubhouse which means that when the boys were caught, they most likely would have been caught very close to where these boards lay, easily seen to the naked eye. RIDGE: OKAY, AND WERE THEY NAILED ONTO THE TREE OR COULD YOU TELL THAT? Especially considering that they are remembering this event 18 years later for one, and for two, there were multiple sightings of the boys from 6pm-6:30 on the street beside the woods, quite a ways away from the Hobbs home, as well as the woods themselves. The manner in which they were tied also tells us about the crime and the perpetrator(s). I will not claim that everything I write is certified fact, but I do believe that all the known evidence supports this theory as the truth of what happened in West Memphis, Arkansas in 1993. RIDGE OKAY, THATS WHAT IM GETTING TO, BUT YOU HAVE BEEN THERE ON OCCASION WITH BUDDY? In Terry Hobbs daughters own diary she talks about having dreams about having sex with her dad and that she is sure that he didnt molest her from age 15 years old to 19. OKAY WHAT WERE THESE MAN DOING?AARON: THEY WERE UH, DOING NASTY STUFFRIDGE: DOING NASTY STUFF, WHERE DID YOU SEE THEM DOING THIS STUFF?AARON: IN ROBIN HOOD UH, THE PLACE WHERE THE BOARDS ARE, AARON: THEY, THEY DO WHAT MEN AND WOMAN DO, RIDGE: OKAY, UH, YOUR SAYING THEIR DOING THINGS LIKE MAN AND WOMEN WOULD BE DOINGAARON: YEAH (YES)RIDGE: WHEN I SAY HAVING SEX IS THAT WHAT YOUR DESCRIBING?AARON: YES SIRRIDGE: OKAY, HOW WOULD THEY HAVE SEX?AARON: THEY WOULD UM, THEY WOULD WIPE EACH OTHER LIKE UM, LIKE UM, LIKE THEY DID UM TO MICHAEL, CHRIS AND STEVE THEY SAID, RIDGE: WITH THEIR MOUTH, WHERE THEY HAVING SEX WITH THEIR MOUTH?AARON: YES SIR, RIDGE: DID THIS HAPPEN REAL OFTEN ?AARON: YES SIRRIDGE: HOW OFTEN ?AARON: IT HAPPENED FIVE TIMESRIDGE: FIVE TIMES YOU SAW IT HAPPEN FIVE TIMES? VICKIE: HE STAYED. I believe he intended to terrify and threaten them so they would never, ever speak of what they had seen. The prosecution would mention a stick and Perreti kept saying, Or a 24. My theory is that Stevie finished dinner and took off with Michael again to find Chris, and Terry and Amanda then headed over to the Jacobys home. He did not say anything to me. One of them even went up and knocked on the door and spoke to Michaels sister, Dawn. What are the chances that boys would act out the way homosexual men have sex, in addition to one of them saying they watched homosexual men have sex, and it not be true? I went back and read all the autopsy reports and attempted to interpret them. RIDGE: ABOUT TIME WAS IT YOU WENT TO TRY AND GO TO THE CLUB HOUSE? I hear you. I also believe that at some point during the attack, Stevie was hit on his leg by the edge/side of the board, and also possibly in his face, which I will discuss in a moment. After all, it's the south. Police suspected the murders of Michael Moore, Christopher Byers and Steve Branch, all second-graders, were the work of a satanic cult. I have a very strong suspicion that Narlene lied about dropping LG off at home and there is ample evidence to support this. Is it merely a coincidence that Terry Hobbs was a former butcher and that he grew up working on his familys pig farm? Anyone who has owned a dog, knows how dogs will lick blood clean in a matter of minutes. And someone like that can lie and lie and lie and lie, rigfht to your fuckin' face,because narcissism is about protecting the self-myth. The bottom line is very simple: Terry, David, LG and Buddy all liedabout their whereabouts that night. No matter whatgreen vegetable Stevie ate, the fact that it was a green vegetable and that it was partially digested shows that Stevie had to have eaten some vegetables sometime between 5:00 and 6:30. . If you read this report, it discusses threats Damien made against his parents, and they say they do not want him in their home because they are afraid of him and afraid of what he would do to the other children: http://callahan.8k.com/images/500/1/150.jpg. Only two people's DNA was ever found at the scene. I theorize they then cleaned up the blood from Chris injuries by scraping up the mud, grass, leaves and blood and throwing it into the drainage ditch. My theory is this: Stevie had never seen the men in the woods having sex before. This, too, would further explain how the attack unfolded. What Buddy said was shocking. He is an evil man and true psychopath and the type of man to tie those boys the up the way they were found. The hearing was to allow the victim's . In the autopsy reports, it was concluded that Michael was swiftly and violently attacked and was likely unconscious for almost the entire assault on the boys. 3 A. It is likely that you will come away from this with a clear understanding of who murdered Stevie Branch, Michael Moore and Chris Byers and why. When Dixie told her of him coming in to the laundry in the small car she asked if she was sure that it wasnt Richard Simpsons car. Pam concedes on one condition: Stevie must be home by4:30 or he will be grounded from his beloved bike for two weeks. Terry Hobbs, the stepfather of eight-year-old victim Stevie Branch, has been named in documents released in Marian, Arkansas by the attorneys for Pam Hobbs, Stevie's mother. And why would Jacoby publicly and openly admit that he lied under penalty of perjury and to police back in 2007? They also could have used them to dry and clean their feet after entering the ditch. If you're into dick as an adult, you're gonna find your community. If it wasnt for your choices, this never would have happened!And, the act of tying up the boys, especially the manner in which they were tied up, looked somewhat sexual in nature. He most likely began to tie up one side of Stevie using a figure eight knot and then went to Michael and tied up one side of him with a square knot. The West Memphis Police Department and other officials are being accused of stonewalling the release of the evidence for over a year and informing Echols team that the evidence was lost or destroyed. The figure eight knot is used in conjunction with the Packers Knot; a knot used by butchers when they bind meat. Buddy allegedly confessed that when the four returned to the truck, Terry and David looked to the teens and promised to kill them if they ever spoke of the crime to anyone. Due to the possibility that they wiped these items on their skin, I believe Terry would have taken those items with them when they left. I actually believe there is a good possibility that at least LG already knew the two men. Upon arriving home with his younger daughter, he told police that he did not see his older step-son, Stevie. The problem with that is that Chris was under the carport cleaning at 5:30, according to both of his parents. Allegedly, David Jacoby fell in his effort to catch the third child and in doing so, scraped his knee. In other words, he was likely being molested. Based on the reports made available to the public pertaining to Damien's mental health issues, this is a flat out lie. However, this was never corroborated by police. That 1 cop will have bumped into everyone in that southern, 90s, dick-liking community. I allege that Terry dropped LG off at 8:45 at the Laundromat/Flash Market on Ingram and proceeded to create an alibi for himself. THAT HAD ON THE WHITE TANK TOP. RIDGE: DID YOU EVER SMELL THE SMOKE? Jamie and her sister believe that this occurred at 6:30, while their mother believes that the boys were playing in her backyard somewhere between 5:30-6:30pm. had been during the evening on 5-5-93. Buddys version of events would match up perfectly with what LG would later tell Bennie Guy when they were locked up in the county jail together. This is the time when, according to Billy Stewart, he believes something sexual might have taken place between all or some of the four men. A rather uncommon knot for a regular person but a very common knot for a former butcher or farmer. You have to keep in mind that the statements from Bennie Guy and Billy Stewart are considered hearsay and most likely would not stand up in a court of law alone. The problem with this statement is this: for one, Jacoby claims he asked Terry where Stevie was. two hours to clean up the blood at the scene. Especially considering how extremely rare it is for a victim to be tied in this manner. Lastly, Stevie branch apparently told his cousin that Terry was molesting him and Amanda. RIDGE: YOU WERE ALWAYS THERE FIRST. Mark on Stevies leg, possibly made by edge of the board found at crime scene. HE TOLD THE REST OF THE MEN TO HOLD THEM OR SOMETHING AND PROBABLY DID IT. If this is to be believed, it makes sense. After he removed his clothes, he ripped out one shoelace from Michaels shoe and cut it in half with his knife. Calhoun County man still missing - WJHG For one, LGs other aunt saw him at her work at approx. If we believe these statements by Aaron, which I think are very plausible, we have not only a motive for murder but the very basis for what might have occurred in those woods on May 5th, 1993. He actually was able to get his friend and aunt to lie for him in order to protect him. After the boys wrestled, the men offered them more marijuana and whiskey. According to Bennies statement, Terry stopped for a moment to yell, Im going to teach your fucking ass! The second that Terry would have hit Michael in the face or head, would also be the split second he knew all three had to die. I strongly feel that this was something that only the killer or someone who witnessed the killing, would have known.

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was terry hobbs ever found

was terry hobbs ever found