can you get fired for accidentally sending confidential information

Preventing email data loss in Microsoft 365. I came here to say this. assigning women extra work to help them, calling out when youre in the ER, and more. But the other person she spoke to, her coworker, told others, and somehow that message (of who and how she leaked it) got twisted into something much worse. Then whenever you send a message, you'll be given an option to "Cancel" at the top of the message before it's sent. Does that matter? and sent to multiple people (!!)? People find new jobs after being fired all the time. Being honest going forward really will help OP to repair the damage to her reputation and show she has integrity. Both the affected parties were amazing clients who prided themselves on solid security practices. What is the point of Thrower's Bandolier? I thought it was over. Here are five such rules, most of which were broken by Block (who reportedly left Oracle yesterday.) You seriously violated your privileged access to confidential information. I am in this place when I read OPs response. I want to push back hard on this, the coworker is not a rat. So please think about that aspect when youre thinking about how she ratted you out. So if shes genuinely surprised at this outcome, it stands to reason that its new for her, which strongly implies she just hasnt been working very long, which implies youth. So, I can talk about it, I can say Omg, there was one scene that I was just like SuperCheese! and rolling my eyes. Thats crazy (and crazy lucky for the embezzler). Not necessarily for the leaking but for the way youre talking about it. You're fired for violation but convince the Dept of Labor that no one without an IT degree could ever understand your policy. (Plus, were not sure how much of the inflation came from the coworker and how much came from their superiors. Honest Mistake: Have You Ever Shared Sensitive Data to the Wrong Person? But if I found out a coworker was sharing this information with just anyone it would be a probably HIPAA violation and, yes, I would need to tell my boss. I understand that you get that what you did was a very big deal as a single event, but I think you might need to spend some more time examining for yourself why you would describe this as a victimless crime. The fact that your friend didnt as far as you know tell anyone else about your bombshell doesnt meant that nothing happened. It would have been better if she had told you first that she was going to tell someone, but whether she warns you first has no bearing on whether she was obligated to disclose. Similar in IT in my first internship, I had access to about 40,000 social security numbers. Really? To say my friend was mortified would be an understatement. "You can call or text and say, 'Call me, you were sent the wrong information.' " She recalls one time when a co-worker accidentally sent an email calling a client a "tough cookie" to the. LW used Slack at work (and was not supposed to) And definitely let go any butthurt about your coworker they did nothing wrong and followed clear policies on reporting this incident. If yes, that is relevant to the question. When we accidentally receive a confidential email from people outside our own organisations, things are a little trickier. A misdirected email describes an instance where an email is sent to the wrong person or the wrong attachment has been added to an email that has the correct recipients in it. But you should try to understand how this happened (why that friend? They got caught. Regulation people have heard of is going to be changed/repealed and its a big deal I think interviewers will pick up on the equivocation in your language here. Shes assuming the friend has more self-control than she does, which is precarious at best. I know it isnt the actual incident since the details dont match (no twitter or cake pictures mentioned in OPs case), but I was assuming it was something like the NASA gravitational waves thing. When you are genuinely accept the error, analyze why you made it and address how to alter yourself to not be vulnerable to this kind of mistake again, it will naturally come across when you talk about it in interviews because youll be genuine and not trying to find a strategic angle and that genuine quality will land well with other mature professionals who have made their own mistakes. Better to say in a single instance of poor judgment I let a piece of information get outside of the company to one person which I immediately knew was a mistake and I notified someone in my company. Say I have a friend working on a presidential campaign, and she tells me theres a bunch of debate about the candidates strategy, I have to decide whether to mention that to my colleague who covers the candidate. Before I hired you, Id want to know you were familiar with and in agreement with our ethical code, which talks a lot about protecting our clients. Yeah, its like that line from Horton Hears A Who. Also ratty. If I happened to expose that to my BIL who runs the comic book store and has a bunch of media and arts and entertainment contacts? Hi LW, I agree with Alison the best way to approach with is by taking full ownership of what happened. I think also this illustrates how hard confidentiality is; these are trained and likely reasonably experienced people who still couldnt resist this temptation. And honestly, you broke an embargo for your own company. It goes through a game of telephone and the person at the end of the line gets mad that the first person would say such a thing. Damn, thats hard core. I agree with Alisons response. Employees can't just post anything they want on Facebook or anywhere else. How do I politely turn down the call for an interview by another employer? The same goes for ratting out. It's difficult to prevent a leak from happening again if you don't know how it occurred in the first place. Even if the coworker had malicious intentions, they were following privacy laws and regulations. Reporting misconduct is the right thing to do, and thats how an interviewer is going to see it. I always assumed the phrase meant no feelings are incorrect, and it made a lot less sense than the way youve laid it out! I dont love not being able to tell her things (even though we are each others I promise not to tell anybody (but Friend) person), the way we share this information is by forwarding press releases once the information is public. Based on the post its probably public now, so I would guess its likely not too exciting. and that person did what they were told to do and reported it. Any message that starts with Oh honey is going to read as rude and condescending unless its followed by a sincere Im so sorry in response to something terrible happening. You arent entitled to a second chance to screw this up. The only thing an employer may not do is make employment decisions based upon you being a member of a protected class. 2) Multiple people is relevant, but its easy to misunderstand 3rd hand stories. It also protects the coworker from any immediate threats or retribution by LW. But how do I explain this story to future employers? Every hospital Ive worked at requires yearly HIPAA compliance training. One of my friends is working on projects that she cannot list on her resume now that shes applying to jobs and I only know that because Im looking at it and she told me shes frustrated because she has good work that she can quantify but cant talk about yet. Sure, thered be a record in Slack of prior messages. It would have been a ticking timebomb for them, and the next time it could have leaked beyond the friend. For most cases in the US, I'd expect it to be legal. I made a similar dumb mistake in my first professional job by sharing something that wasnt sensitive but was nonetheless governed by a broad company-wide confidentiality policy a complaint email sent to our companys contact us address by a customer whose name and address I had omitted. And you might know that you trust that friend 100% to keep it confidential but your employer would prefer to make that call themselves, and thought theyd done so when they told you the information couldnt be shared. And most of the real socialising happened at house parties and dinner parties, not restaurants or bars. This is an issue in most fields. Obviously telling the friend was the fireable offense here, Im not arguing that. Yes, I did filing in a small-town law office where almost every name was familiar and nothing I read or saw left the office. My boss and I had a very serious conversation about it, and I think the only reason I was not fired was that I immediately and unequivocally took responsibility. The only thing even slightly puzzling is why during the conversation with the mentor, mentor didnt say you do understand I am obligated to report this? Maybe mentor thought that might prompt LW to do something track-covering so it was better left going directly to the bosses without warning. Take full responsibility. First, you need to be able to frame what you did for yourself. Good luck with your job search! Your feelings are wrong, in this context means,Your feelings arent *morally* wrong.. I definitely learned my lesson, and it was a hard one, and one that I will regret for a very, very long time. The Workplace Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for members of the workforce navigating the professional setting. Was the friend a journalist, or is there something else that would explain why she said that? The reply: Yes, the friend I texted happened to be a journalist but doesnt cover the area that I was working in. Yes, when I worked at a financial firm I believe that exact question was on a privacy training test: If I run across the name of a celebrity in the client management system while performing my duties, its okay to tell friends and family about it, True or False?. Confidentiality, especially in government, is no joke and should be taken very seriously. What Are the Ways to Respond to an Unintentional HIPAA Violation? And it makes sense that it is. I will never not believe the publisher did that intentionally and threw him under the bus. I dont think it matters now, but the Slack functionality for deleting messages from channels is pretty thorough. I might consider you as a candidate who truly gets it in a way that someone who hasnt been tried by fire might not. Heres another the state Supreme Court will probably make a decision on voting district gerrymandering soon., (This one happened to me, and was probably the most exciting confidential information I got access to my desk was close enough to the GIS employees that I could see the increased traffic out of their area and infer that Something was Happening. She would have learned a valuable lesson and still kept her job. Me too in Government. Im in Chicago so I read about those firings with interest. And if we do, well tell them not to tell anyone.. In sending that information to your own mailbox, you transmitted the data to a number of machines, any number of which could be intercepting the data for reading, and many do albeit for legit purposes of scanning for advertising relevant stuff or scanning viruses. Perhaps the email was intended for a client in which case the clients data is at risk and the sender has inadvertently committed a data leak. I was an HR coordinator at a hospital and even though I did not deal with patient records or patients or anything remotely health care-y, I was required to take the annual training and accept compliance as a mandatory part of my employment. I fully expect that whenever they find the source of the leak the people involved will face some pretty serious consequences up to and including dismissal and possible criminal proceedings. If each person tells just one person it can end up being a lot of people. I think the wider point is that anyone can make that mistake at any age, and speculating about this part of it is irrelevant and not helpful. It seems like LW has had time to process and isnt being combative. LW, people in the comments are also ragging on you for being upset with your coworker but frankly, I would be mad too! Almost every situation I know of where someone was fired for cause was presented publically as a position elimination.. ! mode if she told me a general were harassing her, unless making this public is something shed want. It simply means that your employees are not to disclose proprietary information or data about your company to another person without your consent. In a truly dangerous/vital public information sphere there are agency heads/regulators/IG offices/congressional members/even the police depending on the issue that you should contact before going to the press. how do I explain being fired for sharing confidential info with a

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can you get fired for accidentally sending confidential information

can you get fired for accidentally sending confidential information