which statement is true regarding the models of abnormality?

No one form of couple therapy stands out as superior to others. The force that is in control in this example is the: a. id. c. intellectualization. a. Respondent conditioning (also called classical or Pavlovian conditioning) occurs when we link a previously neutral stimulus with a stimulus that is unlearned or inborn, called an unconditioned stimulus. A psychodynamic therapist would consider this an example of: A patient's initial reaction to being told she has a sexually transmitted infection (STI) is to insist that the nurse made a mistake with the test. Overgeneralizing You see a larger pattern of negatives based on one event. a. Neurotransmitters are released. b. helping the client develop a stronger sense of self and rational thinking. d. One-fourth of all treated couples eventually separate or divorce. With this knowledge, a plan is developed and consists of numerous strategies to act on one or all these elements antecedent, behavior, and/or consequence. The defense mechanism that BEST explains this behavior is: a. intellectualization. The procedure in Panel C continued with the rabbit being brought a bit closer each time until, eventually, the child did not respond with distress to the rabbit (Panel D). d. humanistic. The disadvantages should outweigh the advantages and help you to end the struggle and accept what is unknown. a. multicultural b. biological c. humanistic d. cognitive-behavioral, 136. WebMD adds, Experts believe many mental illnesses are linked to abnormalities in many genes rather than just one or a few and that how these genes interact with the environment is unique for every person (even identical twins). To effectively treat a mental disorder, we must understand its cause. d. secondary process thought. d. synapses. b. learned behavior. Freuds psychoanalysis was unique in the history of psychology because it did not arise within universities as most major schools of thought did; rather, it emerged from medicine and psychiatry to address psychopathology and examine the unconscious. The behavioral model concerns the cognitive process of learning, which is any relatively permanent change in behavior due to experience and practice and has two main forms associative learning to include classical and operant conditioning and observational learning. 66. All of the models include an element of the biological model. Once in the brain, it is processed and interpreted. Participants have similar issues. b. encourage clients to use spiritual resources that aid with coping. Describe the role of bacterial and viral infections in mental illness. 132. The type of reinforcer or punisher we use is crucial. A boy believes that he is deserving of love only when he earns good grades. A common example is Lithium; side effects include loss of coordination, hallucinations, seizures, and frequent urination. c. alter illogical thinking patterns and reduce avoidance behaviors. First, Freud made most of his observations in an unsystematic, uncontrolled way, and he relied on the case study method. This form of behavior therapy is widely used in clinical, business, and classroom situations. d. An investigators preferred paradigm influences how they interpret research findings. c. cognitive-behavioral therapy. The motivation to form relationships with others is a central theme of: Nari was taking the bar exam and was concerned that she didn't know the answers to many of the questions. In Banduras experiment, children were first brought into a room to watch a video of an adult playing nicely or aggressively with a Bobo doll, which provided a model. Multicultural theorists would explain the higher levels of mental illness among poor people as MOST likely due to: a. genetic make-up. Which conclusion can be drawn from this finding? c. gestalt therapy. a. depression b. Huntingtons disease c. social anxiety disorder d. schizophrenia. To truly understand brain structure and chemistry, it is a good idea to understand how communication occurs within the nervous system. Those who sit in the back of the room are underachievers who dont care. The defense mechanism that BEST explains this behavior is: Nikolai's grandmother has just baked cookies and is placing them on a cooling rack. He avoids visiting friends with dogs and crosses the street if he sees a person walking a dog coming his way. c. Its use is controversial because it requires surgical implantation of electrodes. The goal of cognitive-behavioral therapy is BEST described as: a. improving the clients interactions with others. They all attempt to explain the causes and treatments for all psychological illnesses, and all from a different approach. b. change behaviors that are damaging to the relationship. The six models of abnormality are biological, psychodynamic, cognitive-behavioral, humanistic-existential, sociocultural, and developmental psychopathology perspective. c. emphasizes the importance of having a positive outlook. Try figuring out if you genuinely do not have time to go to the gym by recording what you do each day and then look at open times of the day. Marie comes from a supportive, loving family and has a stable socio-economic background. b. neurosis. 3. Which type of psychodynamic therapy encourages therapists to disclose things about themselves? c. take responsibility for harmful behavioral patterns. 121. Greshka spilled iced coffee on her shirt while sitting in the park. Which statement regarding the outcomes of couple therapy is FALSE? Electroconvulsive therapy. a. existential as part of their daily life and this can lead to disordered behavior (Lo & Cheng, 2014; Jones, Cross, & DeFour, 2007; Satcher, 2001), though some research suggests that ethnic identity can buffer against these stressors and protect mental health (Mossakowski, 2003). In Module 2, we first distinguished uni- and multi-dimensional models of abnormality and made a case that the latter was better to subscribe to. These two components pair up as follows: Finally, four properties of operant conditioning extinction, spontaneous recovery, stimulus generalization, and stimulus discrimination are important. A therapist who assumes this describes a phobia acquired from classical conditioning MOST likely favors which model of abnormality? Content that was turned away was said to be repressed. We then discussed biological, psychological, and sociocultural models of abnormality. Which type of theorist would focus on the athlete's illogical thinking process as a key factor in her subsequent poor performance? And then we return to resting potential, as you saw in Figure 2.4. Next, help the client stop thinking these thoughts and replace them with more rational ones. Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is used MOST often in the treatment of: a. schizophrenia. Solved which statement about catergorical vs dimensions | Chegg.com In Chapter 2, we first distinguished uni- and multi-dimensional models of abnormality and made a case that the latter was better to subscribe to. a. egoic b. deterministic c. defensive d. object relational. A story will illustrate the latter. c. existential It provides the strength to fight back or to flee (fight-or-flight instinct). The therapist focuses only on issues specifically related to this problem. c. identified an external source as the cause of abnormal behavior. a. working through b. exposure therapy c. role playing d. family therapy. Mental illness itself occurs from the interaction of multiple genes and other factorssuch as stress, abuse, or a traumatic eventwhich can influence, or trigger, an illness in a person who has an inherited susceptibility to it (https://www.webmd.com/mental-health/mental-health-causes-mental-illness#1). For instance, people with Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) have difficulty regulating serotonin. Any reference to cognitive processes was dismissed as this was not overt, but covert according to Watson and later Skinner. It leads us to adopt our parents values as we come to realize that many of the ids impulses are unacceptable. d. researching the effectiveness of the therapy. d. the adverse effects of drugs will result in worse quality of life than the abnormality brings. c. psychodynamic. Regarding the finding that there are more seriously disturbed people within poor subpopulations, a multicultural theorist would focus on the way in which: a. personal responsibility is related to dysfunction. c. depression. The book published several case studies, including that of Anna O., born February 27, 1859 in Vienna to Jewish parents Siegmund and Recha Pappenheim, strict Orthodox adherents who were considered millionaires at the time. The use of these drugs has been generally beneficial to patients. She works very hard to do things that other people would like and to make people like her. 36. a. psychodynamic Describe how the biological model explains mental illness. Before introducing the current main models, it is crucial to understand what a model is. It is most likely that his psychotherapist is a ____ therapist. Our focus will be on partial/intermittent reinforcement. b. who are devout and see God as caring and helpful are the healthiest. She published many short stories; a play called Womens Rights, in which she criticized the economic and sexual exploitation of women; and wrote a book in 1900 called The Jewish Problem in Galicia, in which she blamed the poverty of the Jews of Eastern Europe on their lack of education. This begs the question of how we can really know that they exist. a. low activity of GABA b. absence of dopamine c. low activity of serotonin d. excessive activity of norepinephrine. However, one afternoon I was bitten on the foot by something in the water. d. special external pressures faced by members of a culture. b. is not led by a professional clinician. I'm going to mess up and then it won't be a perfect run!" Still, Sigmund Freud developed useful therapeutic tools for clinicians and raised awareness about the role the unconscious plays in both normal and abnormal behavior. 93. Since you dont have time, you decide to study only for the classes in which the teacher provided a study guide. On the other hand, if we see a sibling constantly getting in trouble with the law, then we may not model this behavior due to the negative consequences. b. Operant conditioning is a type of associate learning which focuses on consequences that follow a response or behavior that we make (anything we do or say) and whether it makes a behavior more or less likely to occur. d. free association. c. congenital malformations. Techniques might include weighing the pros and cons of fighting uncertainty or change. Nikolai runs past, grabs some of the cookies, and runs away. They may be positive and include friendly, affectionate feelings, or negative, and include hostile and angry feelings. Students also viewed PSY 381 Chapter 2 Other examples of secondary reinforcers include praise, a smile, getting money for working or earning good grades, stickers on a board, points, getting to go out dancing, and getting out of an exam if you are doing well in a class. d. neurotransmitter imbalances. 12. If a behavior is not memorable, it will not be imitated. Which statement is NOT an appropriate criticism of the sociocultural model? There are also certain types of disorders that are unique to women. In Module 2, we will discuss three models of abnormal behavior to include the biological, psychological, and sociocultural models. What form do these consequences take? Which model emphasizes the importance of conditioning in determining human actions? 115. 145. Social Sciences; Psychology; Psychology questions and answers; which statement about catergorical vs dimensions models of abnormal behavior is true?A categorial models capture the complexity of mental disorders btter than dimensional modelsB Dimensional models better reflect nature/ reality of disorders than categorial onesC Catergorial models capture the severitu of mental disorders while . Also of importance to the neuron is the myelin sheath or the white, fatty covering which: 1) provides insulation so that signals from adjacent neurons do not affect one another and, 2) increases the speed at which signals are transmitted. c. ineffective treatment options. d. existential, 125. d. client-centered therapy. b. axons. This process is called counterconditioning, or the reversal of previous learning. The charge inside is -70mV at rest. Which statement is TRUE regarding the models of abnormality? In other words, we assume the person who cut us off is an idiot (dispositional) and do not consider that maybe someone in the car is severely injured and this person is rushing them to the hospital (situational). If you recognize your worth as a person, Carl Rogers would say that you have developed: In the 1960s and 1970s, social upheaval and soul-searching in Western society gave rise to humanistic and existential therapies. a. psychodynamic d. only one factorstress or predispositionis necessary for abnormality to occur. 40. a. psychoanalysis. The _____ operates in accord with the pleasure principle. Treatments related to the biological model include drugs, ECT, and psychosurgery. For more on the link between cortisol and depression, check out this article: https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/the-athletes-way/201301/cortisol-why-the-stress-hormone-is-public-enemy-no-1. 69. The biological treatment known as psychosurgery would MOST likely be used in the treatment of a patient with: a severe disorder and who has not responded to any other therapies over years of treatment. 53. According to cognition-focused therapists, all of the following can be sources of abnormal thinking EXCEPT: a. illogical thinking. In terms of distinctive structures, these focus on the ability of a neuron to send and receive information. b. drugs cannot be combined with other forms of treatment. Module Overview. Possible side effects include loss of appetite, headache, motor or verbal tics, and personality changes such as appearing emotionless. Our life instincts, or Eros, are manifested through it and are the creative forces that sustain life. d. synapses. d. lend itself easily to research. Which of the following statements is true of the biopsychosocial model Watson and Rayner (1920) conducted one of the most famous studies in psychology. Reinforcement can either occur continuously meaning every time the desired behavior is made the subject will receive some reinforcer, or intermittently/partially meaning reinforcement does not occur with every behavior. Freuds psychodynamic theory made a lasting impact on the field of psychology but also has been criticized heavily. Flooding and desensitization are typical respondent conditioning procedures used with phobias, and modeling arises from social learning theory and observational learning. I'm here for you." c. Beck. a. Perls. Of course, most people do not experience this but instead are made to feel that they can only be loved and respected if they meet certain standards, called conditions of worth. Recent research has discovered that autism, ADHD, bipolar disorder, major depression, and schizophrenia all share genetic roots. For more on these techniques, visit http://cogbtherapy.com/cognitive-behavioral-therapy-exercises/. All other toys are allowed, including a Bobo doll. Which model of abnormality does this quote MOST closely represent? Which statement is TRUE regarding electroconvulsive therapy (ECT)? Each is unique in its own right and no single model can account for all aspects of abnormality. All forget that there is no individual model that completely explains human behavior, or in this case, abnormal behavior, and so each model contributes in its own way. a. When we try to establish how abnormality develops, we need to consider how individuals deal with the meaning of life and with the value they find in living. c. cognitive The same is true of borderline personality disorder. It went through three major stages behaviorism proper under Watson and lasting from 1913-1930 (discussed as classical/respondent conditioning), neobehaviorism under Skinner and lasting from 1930-1960 (discussed as operant conditioning), and sociobehaviorism under Bandura and Rotter and lasting from 1960-1990 (discussed as social learning theory). d. develop depression that requires hospitalization. A) The humanistic-existential model B) The family-social perspective C) The cognitive model D) The psychodynamic model B The model of abnormality that focuses on the role of values and choices in behavior is the _____ model. b. the different patterns of communication displayed by men and women. There is no firsthand experience by the learner in observational learning, unlike enactive. Anne has distant parents, failing grades, and insufficient funds for basic necessities and also develops depression. Her therapy is MOST likely: a. gestalt therapy. According to the psychodynamic model, current behavior is determined by all of the following EXCEPT: a. past experiences. _____ theory focuses on observable and conscious behaviors, whereas _____ theory focuses on unconscious processes.

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which statement is true regarding the models of abnormality?

which statement is true regarding the models of abnormality?