kdd 2022 deadline

iDev: Enhancing Social Coding Security by Cross-platform User Identification Between GitHub and Stack Overflow. The advances in web science and technology for data management, integration, mining, classification, filtering, and visualization has given rise to a variety of applications representing real-time data on epidemics. Accepted papers are likely to be archived. considered to be more practical and more related with real-world applications. Games provide an abstract and formal model of environments in which multiple agents interact: each player has a well-defined goal and rules to describe the effects of interactions among the players. The 19th International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM 2019), long paper, (acceptance rate: 9.08%), Beijing, China. Accepted papers will not be archived but will be hosted on the workshop website. [Submission deadline extended, June 3] KDD 2022 Workshop on - INFORMS Hua, Ting, Feng Chen, Liang Zhao, Chang-Tien Lu, and Naren Ramakrishnan. Although machine learning (ML) approaches have demonstrated impressive performance on various applications and made significant progress for AI, the potential vulnerabilities of ML models to malicious attacks (e.g., adversarial/poisoning attacks) have raised severe concerns in safety-critical applications. 1059-1072, May 1 2017. This workshop covers (but not limited to) the following topics: , It is a one day workshop and includes: invited talks, interactive discussions, paper presentations, shared task presentations, poster session etc. Frontiers in Big Data, accepted, 2021. The impact of robustness assurance on other AI ethics principles: RAISA will also explore aspects related to ethical AI that overlap and interact with robustness concerns, including security, fairness, privacy, and explainability. Negar Etemadyrad, Yuyang Gao, Qingzhe Li, Xiaojie Guo, Frank Krueger, Qixiang Lin, Deqiang Qiu, and Liang Zhao. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. Track 1 covers the issues and algorithms pertinent to general online marketplaces as well as specific problems and applications arising from those diverse domains, such as ridesharing, online retail, food delivery, house rental, real estate, and more. Yet, most of these efforts highlighted the challenges of model governance and compliance processes. Liang Zhao, Feng Chen, Jing Dai, Ting Hua, Chang-Tien Lu, and Naren Ramakrishnan. It is expected that one of the authors of accepted contributions will register and attend the workshop to present the work in video in-person in the workshops Paper Sessions. We hope this will help bring the communities of data mining and visualization more closely connected. VDS@KDD will be hybrid and VDS@VIS will be hybrid (both virtual and in-person) in 2022. "STED: semi-supervised targeted-interest event detectionin in twitter." Some of the key questions to be explored include: The workshop will take place in person and will span over one day. 2022. Liang Zhao, Amir Alipour-Fanid, Martin Slawski and Kai Zeng. Oral Paper (Top 5% among the accepted papers). Call for Participation The 3rd KDD Workshop on Data-driven Humanitarian Mapping and Policymaking solicits research papers, case studies, vision papers, software demos, and extended abstracts. Our intent is to facilitate new AI/ML advances for core engineering design, simulation, and manufacturing. have been popularly applied into image recognition and time-series inferences for intelligent transportation systems (ITS). We also invite papers that have been published at other venues to spark discussions and foster new collaborations. in Proceedings of the SIAM International Conference on Data Mining (SDM 2015), (acceptance rate: 22%), Vancouver, BC, pp. This 1-day workshop will include a mixture of invited speakers, panels (including discussion with the audience), and presentations from authors of accepted submissions. Hence, this workshop will focus on introducing research progress on applying AI to education and discussing recent advances of handling challenges encountered in AI educational practice. BERT and GPT in NLP and SimCLR and BYOL in CV are famous examples in this direction. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. Attendance is open to all; at least one author of each accepted submission must be physically/virtually present at the workshop. 2022. Submitting a short or long paper to VDS will give authors a chance to present at VDS events at both ACM KDD 2022(hybrid) and IEEE VIS 2022( hybrid). 7, no. Papers will be peer-reviewed and selected for oral and/or poster presentation at the workshop. and Simone Stumpf (Univ. The workshop plans to invite about 50-75 participants. Ting Hua, Feng Chen, Liang Zhao, Chang-Tien Lu, and Naren Ramakrishnan. Submissions should be formatted using the AAAI-2022 Author Kit. Online. Ranking, acceptance rate, deadline, and publication tips. Papers will be peer-reviewed and selected for oral and/or poster presentations at the workshop. By clicking Accept All, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. 1, Sec. To view them in conference website timezones, click on them. 41-50, New Orleans, US, Dec 2017. The 30th International World Wide Web Conference, the Web Conference (WWW 2021), (acceptance rate: 20.6%), accepted. The thematic sessions will be structured into short pitches and a common panel slot to discuss both individual paper contributions and shared topic issues. The challenge requires participants to build competitive models for diverse downstream tasks with limited labeled data and trainable parameters, by reusing self-supervised pre-trained networks. Supplemental Workshop site:https://rl4ed.org/aaai2022/index.html. We are in a conversation with some publishers once they confirm, we will announce accordingly. Incomplete Label Uncertainty Estimation for Petition Victory Prediction with Dynamic Features. Submitted papers will be assessed based on their novelty, technical quality, potential impact, insightfulness, depth, clarity, and reproducibility. Ferdinando Fioretto (Syracuse University), Aleksandra Korolova (University of Southern California), Pascal Van Hentenryck (Georgia Institute of Technology), Supplemental Workshop site:https://aaai-ppai22.github.io/. The ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems 2022 (ACM SIGSPATIAL 2022) (Acceptance Rate: 23.8%), full paper track, to appear, 2022. arXiv preprint arXiv:2207.09542 (2022). Qingzhe Li, Liang Zhao, Jessica Lin and Yi-ching Lee. Ting Hua, Chandan Reddy, Lijing Wang, Liang Zhao, Lei Zhang, Chang-Tien Lu, and Naren Ramakrishnan. Chen Ling, Carl Yang, and Liang Zhao. In the Proceedings of the 28th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2019), (acceptance rate: 17.9%), accepted, Macao, China, Aug 2019. Half day event featuring a panel, invited and keynote speakers and presentations selected through a CFP. DeepGAR: Deep Graph Learning for Analogical Reasoning. Submit to:https://openreview.net/group?id=AAAI.org/2022/Workshop/AdvML, Yinpeng Dong (dyp17@mails.tsinghua.edu.cn, 30 Shuangqing Road, Haidian District, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, 100084, Phone: +86 18603303421), Yinpeng Dong (Tsinghua University, dyp17@mail.tsinghua.edu.cn), Tianyu Pang (Tsinghua University, pty17@mails.tsinghua.edu.cn), Xiao Yang (Tsinghua University, yangxiao19@mails.tsinghua.edu.cn), Eric Wong (MIT, wongeric@mit.edu), Zico Kolter (CMU, zkolter@cs.cmu.edu), Yuan He (Alibaba, heyuan.hy@alibaba-inc.com ). Liang Zhao, Ting Hua, Chang-Tien Lu, and Ing-Ray Chen. There will be about 60~85 people to participate, including the program committee, invited speakers, panelists, authors of accepted papers, winners of the competition and other interested people. The main research questions and topics of interest include, but are not limited to: This will be a one day workshop, including four invited speakers, one panel session, a number of oral presentations of the accepted long papers and two poster sessions for all accepted papers including short and long. the 33rd Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC 2018), (acceptance rate: 20.1%), San Juan, Puerto Rico, USA, Dec 2018, accepted. "GA-based principal component selection for production performance estimation in mineral processing." Self-Paced Robust Learning for Leveraging Clean Labels in Noisy Data. Each oral presentation will be allocated between 10-15 minutes, while the spotlight presentation will be 2 minute each. Submit to:https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=imlaaai22, Elizabeth DalyAddress: IBM Dublin Technology Campus, Dublin 15, IrelandEmail: elizabeth.daly@ie.ibm.com, Elizabeth Daly, IBM Research, Ireland (elizabeth.daly@ie.ibm.com), znur Alkan, IBM Research, Ireland (oalkan2@ie.ibm.com), Stefano Teso, University of Trento, Italy (stefano.teso@unitn.it), Wolfgang Stammer, TU Darmstadt, Germany (wolfgang.stammer@cs.tu-darmstadt.de), Workshop URL:https://sites.google.com/view/aaai22-imlw. [paper] It is one of the key bottlenecks for financial services companies to improve their operating productivity. Thirty-fourth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 2021), (acceptance rate: 21.0%), accepted. Deadline in . System reports will be presented during poster sessions. Previously published work (or under-review) is acceptable. ; (2) Deep Learning (DL) approaches that can exploit large datasets, particularly Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) and Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL); (3) End-to-end learning methodologies that mend the gap between ML model training and downstream optimization problems that use ML predictions as inputs; (4) Datasets and benchmark libraries that enable ML approaches for a particular OR application or challenging combinatorial problems. The annual ACM SIGMOD/PODS Conference is a leading international forum for database researchers, practitioners, developers, and users to explore cutting-edge ideas and results, and . Data science draws from methodology developed in such fields as applied mathematics, statistics, machine learning, data mining, data management, visualization, and HCI. The financial services industry relies heavily on AI and Machine Learning solutions across all business functions and services. In addition, broad deployment of ML software in networked systems inevitably exposes ML software to attacks. Although textual data is prevalent in a large amount of finance-related business problems, we also encourage submissions of studies or applications pertinent to finance using other types of unstructured data such as financial transactions, sensors, mobile devices, satellites, social media, etc. Submission Guidelines SIAM International Conference on Data Mining (SDM 2022), (Acceptance Rate: 26%), accepted. Please refer tohttps://rl4ed.org/aaai2022/index.htmlfor additional information. The aim of this workshop is to focus on both original research and review articles on various disciplines of ITS applications, including particularly AI techniques for ITS time-series data analyses, ITS spatio-temporal data analyses, advanced traffic management systems, advanced traveler information systems, commercial vehicle operation systems, advanced vehicle control and safety systems, advanced public transportation services, advanced information management services, etc. However, theoreticians and practitioners of AI and Safety are confronted with different levels of safety, different ethical standards and values, and different degrees of liability, that force them to examine a multitude of trade-offs and alternative solutions. We have the following keynote speakers confirmed: Andreas Holzinger (Medical Univ. iDetective: An Intelligent System for Automatic Identification of Key Actors in Online Hack Forums. The extraction, representation, and sharing of health data, patient preference elicitation, personalization of generic therapy plans, adaptation to care environments and available health expertise, and making medical information accessible to patients are some of the relevant problems in need of AI-based solutions. Conference Management Toolkit - Login Event Prediction in the Big Data Era: A Systematic Survey. The adversarial ML could also result in potential data privacy and ethical issues when deploying ML techniques in real-world applications. Zishan Gu, Ke Zhang, Guangji Bai, Liang Chen, Liang Zhao, Carl Yang. Reasons include: (1) a lack of certification of AI for security, (2) a lack of formal study of the implications of practical constraints (e.g., power, memory, storage) for AI systems in the cyber domain, (3) known vulnerabilities such as evasion, poisoning attacks, (4) lack of meaningful explanations for security analysts, and (5) lack of analyst trust in AI solutions. Topics of interest in the biomedical space include: Topics of general interest to cyber-security include: Submission site:https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=aics22, Tamara Broderick (MIT CSAIL, tamarab@mit.edu), James Holt (Laboratory for Physical Sciences, USA, holt@lps.umd.edu), Edward Raff (Booz Allen Hamilton, USA, Raff_Edward@bah.com), Ahmad Ridley (National Security Agency), Dennis Ross (MIT Lincoln Laboratory, USA, dennis.ross@ll.mit.edu), Arunesh Sinha (Singapore Management University, Singapore, aruneshs@smu.edu.sg), Diane Staheli (MIT Lincoln Laboratory, USA, diane.staheli@ll.mit.edu), William W. Streilein (MIT Lincoln Laboratory, USA, wws@ll.mit.edu), Milind Tambe (Harvard University, USA, milind_tambe@harvard.edu), Yevgeniy Vorobeychik (Washington University in Saint Louis, USA, eug.vorobey@gmail.com) Allan Wollaber (MIT Lincoln Laboratory, USA, Allan.Wollaber@ll.mit.edu), Supplemental workshop site:http://aics.site/. ", ACM Transactions on Spatial Algorithms and Systems (TSAS), (Acceptance Rate: 11%), Volume 2 Issue 4, Acticle No. Journal of Biomedical Semantics, (impact factor: 1.845), 2018, accepted. The topics for AIBSD 2022 include, but are not limited to: This one-day workshop will include invited talks from keynote speakers, and oral/spotlight presentations of the accepted papers. Aryan Deshwal (Washington State University, aryan.deshwal@wsu.edu), Syrine Belakaria (Washington State University, syrine.belakaria@wsu.edu), Cory Simon (Oregon State University, cory.simon@oregonstate.edu), Jana Doppa (Washington State University, jana.doppa@wsu.edu), Yolanda Gil (University of Southern California, gil@isi.edu), Supplemental workshop site:https://ai-2-ase.github.io/. SIAM International Conference on Data Mining (SDM 2023) (Acceptance Rate: 27.4%), accepted. ReForm: Static and Dynamic Resource-Aware DNN Reconfiguration Framework for Mobile Devices. 2022. The bottleneck to discovery is now our ability to analyze and make sense of heterogeneous, noisy, streaming, and often massive datasets. Roco Mercado, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Held in conjunction with KDD'22 Aug 15, 2022 - Washington DC, USA. 47, no. After seventh highly successful events, the eighth Symposium on Visualization in Data Science (VDS) will be held at a new venue, ACM KDD 2022 as well as IEEE VIS 2022. "EMBERS at 4 years:Experiences operating an Open Source Indicators Forecasting System." A message will appear on your application form if there is a risk that the time required to process the application and to send the answer, in addition to the time you will need to acquire study permits, will be too long for you to arrive for the beginning of the session. These datasets can be leveraged to learn individuals behavioral patterns, identify individuals at risk of making sub-optimal or harmful choices, and target them with behavioral interventions to prevent harm or improve well-being. The workshop aims at bridging formalisms for learning and reasoning such as neural and symbolic approaches, probabilistic programming, differentiable programming, Statistical Relation Learning and using non-differentiable optimization in deep models. Attendance is open to all; at least one author of each accepted paper must be virtually present at the workshop. Submissions will be collected via the OpenReview platform; URL forthcoming on the Workshop website. Use Compass, the interactive checklist designed exclusively for the Universit de Montral, to carefully prepare your application and to avoid common pitfalls along the way. Paper Submission Deadline: May 26, 2022 Author Notification: June 20, 2022 Camera Ready: July 9, 2022 Workshop: August . 5 (2014): 1447-1459. In addition, any other work on dialog research is welcome to the general technical track. There were two workshops on similar topics hosted at ICML 2020 and NeurIPS 2020, and both workshops observed positive feedback and overwhelming participation. Accelerated Gradient-free Neural Network Training by Multi-convex Alternating Optimization. Liang Gou, Bosch Research (IEEE VIS liaison), Claudia Plant, University of Vienna (KDD liaison), Alvitta Ottley, Washington University, St. Louis, Junming Shao, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Visualization in Data Science (VDS at ACM KDD and IEEE VIS), Visualization in Data Science (VDS at ACM KDD and IEEE VIS). IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE), (impact factor: 6.977), vol. All submissions will be peer-reviewed. SDU accepts both long (8 pages including references) and short (4 pages including references) papers. Deep Generation of Heterogeneous Networks. A primary reason for this is the inherent long-tailed nature of our world, and the need for algorithms to be trained with large amounts of data that includes as many rare events as possible. SDU will also host a session for presenting the short research papers and the system reports of the shared tasks. Because of the time needed to complete the formalities for entering Canada and Quebec, the admission period for international applicants ends several weeks before the session begins. It drives discoveries in business, economy, biology, medicine, environmental science, the physical sciences, the humanities and social sciences, and beyond. Liming Zhang, Dieter Pfoser, Liang Zhao. Nowadays, machine learning solutions are widely deployed. Computer Science and Engineering, INESC-ID, IST Ulisboa, Lisbon, Portugal currently at Sorbonne University, Paris, France silvia.tulli@gaips.inesc-id.pt), Prashan Madumal (Science and Information Systems, University of Melbourne, Parkville, Australia pmathugama@student.unimelb.edu.au), Mark T. Keane (School of Computer Science, University College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland mark.keane@ucd.ie), David W. Aha (Navy Center for Applied Research in AI, Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, DC, USA david.aha@nrl.navy.mil), Adam Johns (Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA USA), Tathagata Chakraborti (IBM Research AI, Cambridge, MA USA), Kim Baraka (VU University Amsterdam, Netherlands), Isaac Lage (Harvard University, Cambridge, MA USA), David Martens (University of Antwerp, Belgium), Mohamed Chetouani (Sorbonne Universit, Paris, France), Peter Flach (University of Bristol, United Kingdom), Kacper Sokol (University of Bristol, United Kingdom), Ofra Amir (Technion, Haifa, Israel), Dimitrios Letsios (Kings College London, London, United Kingdom), Supplemental workshop site:https://sites.google.com/view/eaai-ws-2022/topic. Liang Zhao, Yuyang Gao, Jieping Ye, Feng Chen, Fanny Ye, Chang-tien Lu, and Naren Ramakrishnan. KDD 2022. Second, psychological experiments in laboratories and in the field, in partnership with technology companies (e.g., using apps), to measure behavioral outcomes are being increasingly used for informing intervention design. Papers more suited for a poster, rather than a presentation, would be invited for a poster session. KDD 2022 is a dual-track conference that provides distinct programming in research and applied data science. Check the CFP for details Deadline: ICDM 2020 . Hyperparameters such as the number of layers, the number of nodes in each layer, the pattern of connectivity, and the presence and placement of elements such as memory cells, recurrent connections, and convolutional elements are all manually selected. This workshop aims to bring researchers from these diverse but related fields together and embark on interesting discussions on new challenging applications that require complex system modeling and discovering ingenious reasoning methods. To push forward the research on acronym understanding in scientific text, we propose two shared tasks on acronym extraction (i.e., recognizing acronyms and phrases in text) and disambiguation (i.e., finding the correct expansion for an ambiguous acronym). In light of these issues, and the ever-increasing pervasiveness of AI in the real world, we seek to provide a focused venue for academic and industry researchers and practitioners to discuss research challenges and solutions associated with building AI systems under data scarcity and/or bias. Long papers (up to 6 pages + references) and extended abstracts (2 pages + references) are welcome, including resubmissions of already accepted papers, work-in-progress, and position papers. The 28th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD 2022) (Acceptance Rate: 14.99%), accepted, 2022. We invite thought-provoking submissions and talks on a range of topics in these fields. Despite gratifying achievements that have demonstrated the great potential and bright development prospect of introducing AI in education, developing and applying AI technologies to educational practice is fraught with its unique challenges, including, but not limited to, extreme data sparsity, lack of labeled data, and privacy issues. Washington DC, USA. The 33rd European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databasesg (ECML-PKDD 2022) (Acceptance Rate: 26%), accepted, 2022. See ICDM Acceptance Rates for more information. We invite submissions on a wide range of topics, spanning both theoretical and practical research and applications. Table identification and extraction from business documents. The consideration and experience of adversarial ML from industry and policy making. Han Wang, Hossein Sayadi, Avesta Sasan, Houman Homayoun, Liang Zhao, Tinoosh Mohsenin, Setareh Rafatirad. While the research community is converging on robust solutions for individual AI models in specific scenarios, the problem of evaluating and assuring the robustness of an AI system across its entire life cycle is much more complex. The academic session will focus on most recent research developments on GNNs in various application domains. 2022. Some examples of the success of information theory in causal inference are: the use of directed information, minimum entropy couplings and common entropy for bivariate causal discovery; the use of the information bottleneck principle with applications in the generalization of machine learning models; analyzing causal structures of deep neural networks with information theory; among others. Workshops will be held Monday and Tuesday, February 28 and March 1, 2022. Dr. Emotion: Disentangled Representation Learning for Emotion Analysis on Social Media to Improve Community Resilience in the COVID-19 Era and Beyond. Online marketplaces exist in a diverse set of domains and industries, for example, rideshare (Lyft, DiDi, Uber), house rental (Airbnb), real estate (Beke), online retail (Amazon, Ebay), job search (LinkedIn, Indeed.com, CareerBuilder), and food ordering and delivery (Doordash, Meituan). "Multi-Task Learning for Spatio-Temporal Event Forecasting." Welcome to PAKDD2022. Sigcomm 2022! - arXiv preprint arXiv:2212.03954 (2022). Deadline: FSE 2023. Please refer to the KDD 2022 website for the policies of Conflict of Interest, Violations of Originality, and Dual Submission: A Best Paper Award will be presented to the best full paper as voted by the reviewers. Estimate of the audience size: 400-500 attendees (based on the number of attendees in previous DLG workshops in KDD19, AAAI20, KDD20 and AAAI21). 1799-1808. This has created a strong demand for transcript understanding. The audience of this workshop will be researchers and students from a wide array of disciplines including, but not limited to, statistics, computer science, economics, public policy, psychology, management, and decision science, who work at the intersection of causal inference, machine learning, and behavior science. Submissions should follow the AAAI 2022 formatting guidelines and the AAAI 2022 standards for double-blind review including anonymous submission. We expect 50-65 people in the workshop. Such advances would enrich the range of applicability of semi-autonomous systems to real-world tasks, most of which involve cooperation with one or more human partners. These choices can only be analyzed holistically if the technological and ethical perspectives are integrated into the engineering problem, while considering both the theoretical and practical challenges of AI safety. Junxiang Wang, Hongyi Li, Zheng Chai, Yongchao Wang, Yue Cheng, Liang Zhao. The post-lunch session will feature one long talk, two short talks, and a poster session. The workshop will focus on the application of AI to problems in cyber-security. The trained models are intended to assign scores to novel utterances, assessing whether they are possible or likely utterances in the training language. The reproducibility papers include a clarification phase: Deadlines refer to 23:59 (11:59pm) in the AoE (Anywhere on Earth) time zone. Instead of grading each piece of work individually, which can take up a bulk of extra time, intelligent scoring tools allow teachers the ability to have their students work automatically graded. Additionally, adversaries continue to develop new attacks. Benchmarks to reliably evaluate attacks/defenses and measure the real progress of the field. It is also central for tackling decision-making problems such as reinforcement learning, policy or experimental design.

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kdd 2022 deadline

kdd 2022 deadline