wwf 1993 roster

Scott Putski defeated Mike Williams WWF Mania 3/6/93: Typhoon defeated Papa Shango via disqualification at 4:59 when Shango used his voodoo stick to spray sparks into Typhoons face; after the bout, Shango attacked Typhoon with the stick but Typhoon eventually cleared him from the ring Gunn, Bart Gunn, Bastion Booger, The 1-2-3 Kid, Adam Bomb, Diesel, Timothy The Nasty Boys defeated the Headshrinkers Perfect defeated Razor Ramon & Lex Luger, WWF @ Daytona Beach, FL Oceanfront Center March 20, 1993, Raymond Rougeau vs. the Brooklyn Brawler Terry Taylor pinned Jason Knight (sub. Virgil pinned Van Hammer; Van Hammer worked the match as a heel WWF IC Champion Razor Ramon pinned Tony Devito with the Razors Edge at 3:21; after the bout, IRS, Diesel, Adam Bomb, & Rick Martel came to ringside and surrounded the ring but Marty Jannetty, Mr. Rescheduled for 2/25, WWF @ Jacksonville, FL Coliseum January 17, 1993 Max Moon (sub. Scott Steiner pinned WWF Tag Team Champion Pierre with the Frankensteiner; this win would have earned the Steiners a rematch for the titles but the Quebecers stated that there were other teams more deserving WWF Tag Team Champions Ted Dibiase & IRS vs. the Nasty Boys The Nasty Boys fought the Headshrinkers to a double disqualification 6/13/93 featured Bonnie Blackstone conducting a podium interview with Bret Hart regarding his participation in the King of the Ring tournament and facing Razor Ramon in the quarter-finals after Razors recent loss to the 1-2-3 Kid; Bret closed by interview by saying Razor Ramon was going to lose 1-2-3 and then led the crowd in a chant of 1-2-3: I am surprised that no one has commented in over 3 days! Scott Steiner (w/ Rick Steiner) defeated WWF Tag Team Champion IRS (w/ Ted Dibiase) via disqualification at 12:05 when Dibiase interfered and broke the cover after Steiner hit a double underhook into a powerbomb; prior to the bout, IRS took the mic and reminded the fans they had until Thursday to send in their tax forms, and that they better not cheat on them; after the bout, the Steiners fought off Money Inc and set up Dibiase for the bulldog off the top double team only for the Beverly Brothers to come out and gang up on the Steiners; after the bout, the Beverlys accidentally hit a double clothesline on Dibiase when Scott moved out of the way; moments later, Money Inc and the Beverlys got into a shoving contest before the Beverlys knocked IRS to the floor and cornered Dibiase; Money Inc. then left ringside as the Beverlys challenged them to get in the ring (Monday Night Raw Prime Cuts UK) Bob Backlund defeated Damien Demento (sub. for WWF IC Champion Shawn Michaels) via count-out after 10 minutes; following the bout, Savage challenged Lawler to continue the fight but Lawler left the ring only to be forced back into the ring by Crush; moments thereafter, Savage dropped the flying elbow and Crush made the unoffical 3-count Perfect (sub. Kamala pinned Kimchee with splash after 5 minutes Owen Hart pinned Damien Demento with a roll up [54] Luger received a push and was given a match for Yokozuna's WWF World Heavyweight Championship at SummerSlam 1993, but he was unable to win the belt. Yokozuna defeated Earthquake WWF Tag Team Champions Ted Dibiase & IRS defeated Alan Reid & Robert Thompson after Dibiase applied the Million $ Dream on Reid Tatanka pinned Chris Duffy at 4:01 with the Samoan drop The Headshrinkers defeated Men on a Mission when Mo was pinned Mr. Hughes defeated Bob Backlund for Papa Shango) with the Perfect Plex at 9:28 after reversing Taylors suplex attempt; Randy Savage rejoined the commentary team early in the match and discussed his plans to get revenge on Repo Man for the attack he sustained earlier in the show; there were chants of We want Flair during the bout; during the match, Bobby Heenan called in to the commentary team, upset Rob Bartlett tore up a photo of him in the opening of the show; during the final moments of the bout, Ric Flair appeared ringside and attacked Perfect on the floor behind the referees back; immediately after the contest, Perfect ran backstage to find Flair Jeff Jarrett pinned Tommy Rich by hitting him with a chain; stipulations stated the winner would win the vacant USWA Heavyweight Title Tatanka pinned George South with the Samoan Drop; after the bout, Shawn Michaels came to the ring and was sent to the floor by Tatanka via a chop 8/29/93 included the Lex Luger Ill Be Your Hero music video to open the broadcast; featured a Kings Court segment where Jerry Lawler was on location with an Elvis impersonator in a pink Cadillac, with Lawler saying Bret Hart would no longer be impersonating him following their match at SummerSlam; included an Undertaker vignette showing him in a graveyard preparing for his Rest in Peace match with Giant Gonzalez at SummerSlam; featured a SummerSlam Report in which it was announced Aaron Neville would be singing the National Anthem at the event, with footage then shown from WWF Superstars of Gene Okerlund conducting an interview with WWF World Champion Yokozuna, Mr. Fuji, & Jim Cornette until they were interrupted by Randy Savage and other wrestlers appearing in the crowd with American flags in hand: 12/18/93 included a pre-taped sit-down interview between Vince McMahon and Bret Hart in which they discussed Owens comments from the previous week and Bret said he would never under any circumstances fight his brother in the ring: Bret Hart defeated Yokozuna (w/ Mr. Fuji) via disqualification at 5:10 when Fuji climbed in the ring as Bret had the Sharpshooter applied; after the bout, Bret repeatedly punched Fuji until he was attacked by Yoko and double teamed with the flagpole; moments later, Owen Hart ran out to make the save but was also beaten down; as Yoko went to hit the Bonzai Drop on Owen, Bret hit him from behind with a steel chair before he and Owen knocked Yoko to the floor with a double dropkick (WWE: Unreleased: 1986-1995) Jeff Jarrett defeated Scotty Flamingo via disqualification Crush defeated Marty Jannetty Results were predetermined by WWF's writers, with storylines produced on their weekly television show, Raw. Adam Bomb defeated Virgil Danny Davis & Todd Morton defeated PG-13 9/20/93: The Headshrinkers (w/ Afa) defeated Marty Jannetty & Virgil at around the 10-minute mark when Samu pinned Virgil following a headbutt off the top as Virgil covered Fatu but the referee was distracted by Jannetty Last edited on 26 February 2023, at 11:07, "Statistical survival breaking down the Royal Rumble", Bret Hart talks Roddy Piper & Shawn Michaels, "History of the Intercontinental Championship: Shawn Michaels' first reign", "History of the World Tag Team Championship: Strike Force's first reign", "History of the WCW World Championship: Lex Luger's first reign", "ASK WV (10/6/03): Lawler/3 Knights, WarGames, Rumble Stipulation & More", "The SmarK Retro Repost Royal Rumble 1993", "WWE Royal Rumble The Complete Anthology, Vol. Typhoon edefeated the Cuban Terrorist for Razor Ramon) defeated Tito Santana Perfect jumped Michaels, with the two brawling into the street before Perfect threw Michaels onto the windshield of a car; moments later, officials pulled the two men apart; included Vince McMahon, Randy Savage, & Bobby Heenan on commentary; during the commentary open of the show, footage was shown of the shattered windshield from the earlier altercation; featured a vignette promoting the debut of the Smoking Gunns, followed by news they would make their debut the coming Saturday on WWF Mania; included a King of the Ring Report hosted by Gene Okerlund in which he announced upcoming qualifying matches: Mr. Perfect vs. WWF IC Champion Shawn Michaels, WWF @ Los Angeles, CA Sports Arena May 14, 1993 (5,000) Bret Hart defeated Shawn Michaels in a steel cage match, WWF @ Williamsport, PA December 31, 1993 (2,500; sell out) Blake performed a Boston crab hold to put more pressure on Scott's back and attempt to force him to submit. Hughes, Friar Fergeson The Quebecers defeated Joey Maggs & Tony Dimauro when Jacques pinned Maggs at 2:08 when Pierre pinned Maggs with a legdrop as Jacques had Maggs in a Boston Crab (the Quebecers Challenge debut) Monday Night Raw taping: The Smoking Gunns defeated Iron Mike Sharpe & Barry Horowitz at 4:26 when Billy Gunn pinned Horowitz The Moondogs fought the Bruise Brothers to a double disqualification The Nasty Boys defeated the Beverly Brothers at around 10:30 when Saggs pinned Beau with a small package after Beau knocked Blake out of the ring The Bushwhackers defeated Well Dunn when Butch pinned Dunn Yokozuna defeated Jim Duggan Doink the Clown (Ray Apollo) defeated Bastion Booger Michaels attempted to punch Jannetty but knocked the referee unconscious instead. Included a pre-taped promo by the voice of the WWF Vince McMahon in which he criticized Jerry Lawler for having to use fire in his match with Giant Gonzalez during the previous Mondays show at the Mid-South Coliseum; McMahon went on to state that if Lawler wanted to play with fire, McMahon would send his undefeated Tatanka down to Memphis to put the fire out; featured a rebuttal by Unified Champion Jerry Lawler later in the show in which Lawler said he took a job in the WWF even though he didnt like anyone that worked there and he didnt like the fact that the WWF turned up its nose at every other group in wrestling; Lawler went on to state that he would beat Vince McMahon up, invited McMahon back to Memphis, and said he would end Tatankas undefeated streak in their match, WWF @ Springfield, MA Civic Center September 12, 1993 (3,100) for Marty Jannetty) (w/ Sensational Sherri) defeated WWF IC Champion Shawn Michaels via disqualification at 8:00 after hitting him with the title belt when Crush saved Sherri from being chased by Michaels around the ring; after the bout Sherri slapped Michaels The Undertaker defeated WWF World Champion Yokozuna in a non-title casket match, WWF @ Syracuse, NY Onondoga War Memorial November 19, 1993 (2,150) Crush fought Dan Dubiel to a no contest when Randy Savage, who did commentary for the broadcast, pushed Vince McMahon out of his way knocking him to the ground and attacked Crush from behind as he was making his way to the ring; officials eventually pulled the two men apart WWF IC Champion Shawn Michaels pinned Marty Jannetty at 14:20 with a superkick after Sensational Sherri accidentally hit the challenger in the face with her high heel; Sherri stood in a neutral corner until late in the match when she turned on Michaels; after the bout, Gene Okerlund attempted to conduct a backstage interview with Sherri, with Michaels then running backstage after seeing it on the video wall and cornering Sherri until Jannetty jumped him from behind, with the two men brawling until the fight was broken up by officials (Sherris return after a 3-month absence; Jannettys last appearance for 4 months as he was fired the following day in San Jose after being found passed out in the locker room) Crush defeated the Brooklyn Brawler Crush defeated Al Burke via submission with the head vice at 2:17 (Crushs return match after being sidelined following the attack by Doink a month earlier) USWA Heavyweight Champion Owen Hart defeated Jerry Lawler via disqualification after Lawler repeatedly dropped Hart with the piledriver, WWF @ Anaheim, CA Arrowhead Pond June 28, 1993 (7,000) Miss Texas fought Toni Adams to a no contest Tatanka fought Bam Bam Bigelow to a double count-out Tom Prichard & Jimmy Del Ray (w/ Jim Cornette) defeated Bobby Who & Mike Bucci when Del Ray pinned Bucci with the moonsault; after the bout, Cornette cut a promo on WWF Tag Team Champions Rick & Scott Steiner (Prichard & Del Rays debut), WWF @ Utica, NY War Memorial July 26, 1993 WWF Tag Team Champions Rick & Scott Steiner defeated Ted Dibiase & IRS when Scott pinned Dibiase Mr. Jerry Sags pinned WWF Tag Team Champion IRS Mr. Rick & Scott Steiner defeated WWF Tag Team Champions Ted Dibiase & IRS via disqualification at 15:40 after IRS hit Scott with the briefcase which the Brooklyn Brawler brought to ringside moments earlier after the referee had ordered the briefcase be taken backstage before the bout began, USWA @ Nashville, TN May 15, 1993 Perfect regarding facing Lex Luger on the European tour; included Hayes conducting a backstage interview with Lex Luger regarding Perfect; featured Hayes conducting a backstage interview with Jim Duggan regarding his match against Luger later in the show; included an in-ring interview with Yokozuna & Mr. Fuji regarding the outcome of WrestleMania IX: WWF Superstars (Italian version): Yokozuna (w/ Mr. Fuji) pinned Randy Savage (sub. Bam Bam Bigelow defeated Doink the Clown Typhoon defeated Damien Demento Crush defeated Papa Shango for Mr. Hughes) (w/ Johnny Polo) via disqualification when Polo interfered Razor Ramon pinned Brian Costello with the Razors Edge at 3:08 The 1-2-3 Kid defeated Terry Taylor Perfect pinned Razor Ramon at 13:00 with the Perfect Plex for the Bushwhackers) Perfect pinned Brian Costello at 3:12 with the Perfect Plex WWF Tag Team Champions Ted Dibiase & IRS defeated the Nasty Boys at 14:26 when IRS pinned Saggs after Dibiase used the steel briefcase as a weapon behind the referees back; the challengers originally won the match and the titles at 10:00 when Knobbs pinned Dibiase after a collision between Dibiase and Saggs, however the match was forced to continue since Knobbs was the illegal man The 1-2-3 Kid defeated Rick Martel WWF Tag Team Champions Rick & Scott Steiner defeated Ted Dibiase & IRS, WWF @ Hyannis, MA July 18, 1993 Rick & Scott Steiner defeated WWF Tag Team Champions the Quebecers via disqualification Rick & Scott Steiner defeated Reno Riggins & Billy Jones at 3:54 when Scott pinned Riggins following the Frankensteiner Koko B. Ware defeated Brian Christopher via disqualification Taylor, Damian Demento, Marty Jannette, Bam-Bam Bigelow, Rick Steiner, for Razor Ramon) with the Samoan drop Giant Gonzalez defeated Randy Savage via disqualification when Savage used a chair; Mr. Hughes attacked Savage after the match Crush defeated Doink the Clown (Borne) via count-out at around 11:30 when Doink sustained a backdrop on the floor, allowing Crush to slide back inside the ring before the 10-count; prior to the bout, Doink appeared on the big screen with the screen splitting until 16 Doinks were shown; after the match, a second Doink (Keirn) attacked Crush from behind with wooden sticks as officials kept the first Doink from going back in the ring; moments later, Crush was double-teamed Lex Luger defeated Chris Duffy. Last Updated. Perfect Doink the Clown pinned the 1-2-3 Kid with a reverse roll up WWF World Champion Bret Hart defeated Ric Flair (w/ Bobby Heenan) in a 60-minute Ironman match, 3 falls to 2; fall #1 Hart pinned Flair with a waist lock into a roll up at 27:17; fall #2 Flair defeated Hart via submission with the figure-4 and by holding onto the top rope for leverage at 35:00 (during the fall, the referee ordered Heenan backstage); fall #3 Flair defeated Hart via submission with the figure-4 and by holding onto the bottom rope for leverage at 37:40; fall #4 Hart defeated Flair via submission with the Sharpshooter at 55:03; fall #5 Hart pinned Flair by reversing a figure-4 attempt into an inside cradle at 59:42 as Flair attempted the figure-4; at the beginning of the fall, Heenan returned to the ring to hand Flair a pair of brass knuckles which ended up being used on the champion before once again being ejected from ringside, WWF @ East Rutherford, NJ Meadowlands January 9, 1993 (matinee) (8,700) Tatanka vs. Bam Bam Bigelow The Bushwhackers & Tiger Jackson defeated Blake Beverly, the Brooklyn Brawler, & Little Louie Wolfie D defeated American Eagle #2 (Danny Davis) Rick & Scott Steiner defeated the Beverly Brothers at 12:00 when Scott pinned Blake with the Frankensteiner Tito Santana defeated Terry Taylor for Razor Ramon) pinned Tito Santana at 8:43 after spraying Santana in the eyes with something from his jacket [8] Ramon formed an alliance in late 1992 with Ric Flair, who Hart defeated to win the title belt. Perfect pinned Samu (w/ Afa) with the Perfect Plex at 13:34 after Samu missed a headbutt off the top (Global Warfare, Best of the WWF: European Rampage Tour) for Razor Ramon) defeated Tito Santana The 1-2-3 Kid defeated Terry Taylor for Razor Ramon), WWF @ Ft. Wayne, IN Allen County War Memorial Coliseum February 21, 1993 (matinee) (3,400) Included a Bret Hart / Yokozuna in-ring contract signing for their upcoming match at WrestleMania IX to be aired on the 3/27/93 WWF Superstars; the segment was retaped the following day Yokozuna pinned Jim Duggan at 10:00 with the Bonzai Drop All American Wrestling 5/30/93: Bam Bam Bigelow fought Bob Backlund to a time-limit draw at around the 9-minute mark; after the bout, Backlund challenged Bigelow to 5 more minutes, even leading the crowd in a 5 more minutes chant; after Bigelow seemingly accepted, he attacked Backlund from behind, threw him out of the ring, and then left ringside Mr. Internet Wrestling Database. WWF World Champion Bret Hart & Mr. Dutch Mantel defeated the Rock & Roll Phantom Perfect vs. Razor Ramon The Undertaker defeated WWF World Champion Yokozuna via disqualification, WWF @ New York City, NY Madison Square Garden November 27, 1993 (12,600) Papa Shango pinned Bobby East at 1:29 with the reverse shoulderbreaker; during the bout, the Berzerker cut an insert promo about appearing in the Royal Rumble Razor Ramon defeated WWF IC Champion Shawn Michaels via disqualification WWF Tag Team Champions the Quebecers vs. Rick & Scott Steiner Jeff Jarrett defeated Bobby Knight Hulk Hogan vs. WWF World Champion Yokozuna, WWF @ Sheffield, England Arena August 6, 1993 (10,000; sell out) Bret Hart pinned Lex Luger in a lumberjack match, WWF @ Portland, ME Civic Center July 9, 1993 (2,148) WWF IC Champion Shawn Michaels (w/ Diesel) pinned Marty Jannetty after Jannetty was distracted by Diesel on the ring apron Wrestling Challenge taping: Tatanka pinned Lex Luger by lifting his shoulder out of a back suplex and cover from Luger Ralphmilne Follow. Bam Bam Bigelow defeated Typhoon WWF Superstars (European version): Genichiro Tenryu pinned the White Shadow at 3:51 with a powerbomb [37] This was followed by the Complete Royal Rumble Anthology DVD set, which was released on October 15, 2007. for Papa Shango) at 10:00 Razor Ramon pinned Rudy Gonzalez at 2:56 with the Razors Edge, WWF @ San Antonio, TX Freeman Coliseum January 5, 1993 (near sell out) Randy Savage & Crush vs. Doink & Doink was originally scheduled for the card for Mr. Hughes) Doink the Clown (Borne) defeated Crush via count-out at 7:35 after ramming him into the ring steps Bret Hart pinned Jerry Lawler Randy Savage pinned WWF Tag Team Champion Ted Dibiase (w/ Jimmy Hart) at the 14-minute mark with a DDT 4/17/93 featured comments from Bam Bam Bigelow and Owen Hart to open the show speaking of their match later in the show; included the premiere of the WrestleMania music video; featured an Update segment hosted by Sean Mooney showing the brawl between Sensational Sherri and Luna Vachon from Monday Night Raw (Mooneys final appearance): Tito Santana pinned Papa Shango with a roll up at 10:14 (Santanas last MSG match) Virgil defeated Terry Taylor Perfect pinned Barry Hardy at 3:00 with the Perfect Plex; during the bout, WWF IC Champion Shawn Michaels cut a promo regarding Perfect The Harlem Knights (Men on a Mission) defeated Tony Devito & Mike Bell Virgil defeated Terry Taylor 6/20/93 featured an opening announcement the WWF Tag Team Titles had changed hands twice in the past week, with Rick & Scott Steiner winning them 6/14 in Columbus, OH and Ted Dibiase & IRS regaining them 6/16 in Rockford, IL; included a post-King of the Ring Report where Gene Okerlund conducted an interview with WWF World Champion Yokozuna & Mr. Fuji, with Fuji saying Yokos title win would be celebrated July 4 on the USS Intrepid and challenged any American athlete to attempt to bodyslam Yoko; featured a Special Report segment showing last weeks incident on WWF Superstars where the Undertaker & Paul Bearer were attacked by Giant Gonzalez and Mr. Hughes and the urn was stolen, followed by pre-taped comments from Hughes in which he said Taker would never regain the urn: Doink the Clown (w/ Dink) pinned Bam Bam Bigelow at 7:28 after Bigelow was distracted by Dink PG-13 & Brandy Wine defeated Steve & Bill Marino, & Miss Texas The Smoking Gunns defeated Well Dunn (w/ Harvey Wippleman) via disqualification at 7:31 when Wippleman tripped Billy Gunn Tatanka fought Rick Martel to a double count-out (Martels return TV match) The 1-2-3 Kid pinned Doink the Clown at 3:00

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wwf 1993 roster

wwf 1993 roster