crispin blunt advisor

To ask the Secretary of State for Defence, pursuant to the Answer of 25 January 2023 to Question 125224 on Armed Forces: Homosexuality, whether his Department is aware of earlier destruction of relevant records. (Or one of them, anyway.) Member for Reigate of 24 September 2020, Official Report, column 1137, on the Gender Recognition Act Consultation, whether the three clinics announced by the Minister for Women and Equalities in her Written Ministerial Statement of 22 September 2020 were originally identified as pilot clinics by his Department. [46][45] Since then, Keynes has been working as a political adviser. An import licence can cover up to four different types of drug substance or preparation. These are governed by a framework of rules set by central government which ensure social housing isprioritisedfor those in housing need. Our Strategy is responding to Dame Carol Blacks review in full. To ask the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, what guidance he has provided to regulatory and health authorities on ensuring that the UK remains an attractive place to conduct clinical trials and supply human medicines. The statutory Code of Practice for the Welfare of Dogs includes guidance and reminders for owners about their responsibilities to provide for the welfare needs of their animals and to keep their dogs safe and under control. The first report is expected in 2022. Further information about the process and timescale for the review is available on the NICE website at the following link: Once records no longer have an investigative value there is no basis for retaining them, particularly as they contain sensitive personal information. The views of experts including the Chief Medical Officer can be taken into account as part of this process. My Department does not collect annual statistics here specifically on veterans. The average time applicants have to wait to have an appeal heard is as follows: a) For appeals against a planning authority's decision against development of more than one home, the average time is 29 weeks b) For appeals against planning enforcement decisions by a planning authority, the average time is 43 weeks. [27], On 11 April 2022, after fellow MP Imran Ahmad Khan was found guilty of a child sex offence, Blunt issued a statement in defence of Ahmad Khan which criticised the verdict, describing it as an "international scandal, with dreadful wider implications for millions of LGBT+ Muslims around the world" and said that it "relied on lazy tropes about LGBT+ people". To ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, with reference to the finding of the National Police Chiefs' Council Livestock Worrying Working Group that the dog was unaccompanied in most livestock worrying incidents, if she will make an assessment of the potential merits of promoting livestock aversion training courses for dogs. We are keen to align this work with any recommendations stemming from Part two of Dame Carol Blacks review, which is due for publication shortly. To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department, pursuant to the Answer of 16 June 2021 to Question 14127, on Drugs: Misuse, what criterion the Home Office Accounting Officer uses to assess the value for money of her Department's drugs misuse programmes. To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department, if her Department will hold discussions with the FSA on (a) the safety of Cannabidiol (CBD) products and (b) the process by which the FSA assesses the risks presented by those products; and if she will seek advice from the FSA to inform her decision on the regulation of CBD products. [32], A long-term Eurosceptic, Blunt issued a pamphlet in 1998 when first elected to parliament which called for an in-out referendum. Three advisers quit last month over the government's handling of LGBT rights and amid claims it was "dragging its feet" on a pledge to ban so-called conversion therapy. To ask the Minister for Women and Equalities, pursuant to her Answer on conversion therapy to the hon. In 2018 a new service specification was developed for gender identity clinics, this new specification concluded that access to specialist interventions by trained healthcare professionals was needed within primary care and other local health settings. To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, what assessment he has made of the implications for his policies of the ongoing judicial proceedings against womens rights activists in Saudi Arabia; and whether UK officials have been granted access to attend the trial sessions. No evaluation framework has been developed to assess the 2017 Drug Strategy. Our approach will empower adult users to keep themselves safe online, while ensuring children are protected and maintaining robust protections for freedom of expression. To ask the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, what the Cancer Drugs Fund (CDF) expenditure was between (a) April 2019 to March 2020 and (b) April 2020 to September 2020. Natural England have also published a refreshed version of the Countryside Code, which helpfully sets out certain legal requirements and provides advice on controlling dogs around livestock. "[45], Blunt is a keen cricketer, representing the Parliamentarians team, alongside fellow MPs Peter Bone and Hugh Robertson. The destruction of investigative records did not include personnel service records, which remain intact. It can be found here; UK government Drug Recovery Champion annual report - GOV.UK (, In 2019, Public Health England and the Home Office published a report on a deep dive to understand the rise in crack cocaine use in six areas of England. He also said that he hoped for Ahmad Khan to return to public service. 40 million totackle drugs supply and county lines andsurge our activity against these ruthless gangs This will allow us to expand and build upon the successful results of our 25 million county lines programme which since November 2019 has seen more than 3,400 people arrested, more than 550 lines closed, drugs with a street value of 9 million and 1.5 million cash seized, and more than 770 vulnerable people safeguarded. The Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities 11.5 billion Affordable Homes Programme (2021-26) (England) includes delivery for new supported housing within the programme. As the Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs (ACMD) is independent from Government, its responses to correspondence are a matter for the ACMD. Ahmad Khan. It was to advise ministers "on issues and policies concerning lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people.". Parliament (CC-BY 3.0). [4] He spent his third year studying in Lebanon to perfect his colloquial Arabic and wrote about his experiences on a weekly column in The Tab. Defence will not prejudice the outcome of the IR by speculating on any recommendations it may make. The British Embassy in Manila continues to support the LGBT+ community in the Philippines through events and advocacy. We recognise how important it is to be able to attend the funeral of a loved one. From 19 July, arrivals who have been fully vaccinated through the UK vaccination programme (plus 14 days) will not have to self-isolate or take a day 8 test when travelling to England from amber list countries. His great-great-great-grandfather was naturalist Charles Darwin. [31] The drama was released in November that year, winning five of the six categories it was nominated for at the 2015 Voice Arts Awards the Oscars equivalent of voice acting:[32] Outstanding Production, Outstanding Casting, Outstanding Audio Engineering, Audiobook Narration Inspirational/Faith-Based Fiction, and Audiobook Narration History. To ask the Secretary of State for Justice, in the context of reported figures on black people being ten times more likely than white people to be sent to prison for first-time drug offences, what steps he is taking to tackle this imbalance. Homelessness legislation includes eligibility criteria such as the local connection test, to ensure that resources are prioritised effectively,ensuring accommodation is there for people who need it most. Psilocybin, as an ester of psilocin, is controlled as a Class A drug under the 1971 Act and has been since the Act was introduced. Blunt became a party whip under Howard, but on 9 June 2005 he took leave of absence from that role to support the expected leadership bid of Malcolm Rifkind. [7] In 1991, he gained an MBA at the Cranfield School of Management. To ask the Secretary of State for Education, what estimate he has made of the number of pupils unable to access their nearest school because of religiously selective admissions. It will also address resourcing and performance in Planning Departments. The interpretation of legislation is ultimately a matter for the courts to decide. We will publish our response in due course. To ask the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, with reference to the findings of a February 2021 British Medical Journal report on sexual and reproductive health that 89 per cent of women who have used the telemedicine service for early medical abortion have reported that they would opt to have treatment at home again if necessary and a February 2021 report published by the British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology that complications due to abortion have decreased since that service was introduced, if he will make it his policy to make that service permanent. Some interventions are therefore not public but are made privately. To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department, for what reason the Home Office rejected the long term recommendations made by the Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs to mitigate barriers to research in December 2017. Veterans UK have worked with The British Nuclear Test Veterans Association (BNTVA) to develop enhanced guidance to support claimants belonging to the Veterans Nuclear Test community. UK law enforcement continue to act on the significant volume of intelligence Operation VENETIC generated, with the National Crime Agency (NCA) acting as the lead organisation in the UK on this. 12 hrs. To ask the Secretary of State for Justice, what recent assessment he has made of the potential merits of recognising Humanist Marriages in law following the 2014 Ministry of Justice review into marriages by non-religious belief organisations and the 2020 High Court ruling that a failure to recognise humanist marriages is discriminatory. The technical storage or access that is used exclusively for statistical purposes. As the then Crime and Policing Minister set out in his response to Question 7725, a number of drugs which have been controlled under the 1971 Act for a considerable period of time have not been subject to analysis or recent analysis of harm. We will undertake further engagement with experts and partners in the field to support the implementation of the Strategy and to inform annual reports to Parliament. Of those that do, some choose to allocate only a certain percentage of their places with reference to faith, while others do not have faith admissions criteria at all. A Parallel Parliament Subscription is required to receive alerts, you can view more details by clicking on the button below. Blunt timed his resignation so that it became public after the polls closed but before the results were declared.[16]. I regularly raise human rights with the Philippines Government and last discussed this issue with Philippine Foreign Minister Locsin on the 23 March. [18], Blunt is a former joint chair of the Council for the Advancement of Arab-British Understanding. He then studied at the all-boys City of London School where he was awarded the Merit prize in the 2006 European Kangaroo competition, the City of London Corporate Scholarship (2008), The Geoffrey Clark Prize for Services to Drama (2009), and The Bennet Brough Prize for Chemistry (2010). The Government firmly believes that the best way to achieve our collective goal of a world without nuclear weapons is through gradual multilateral disarmament negotiated using a step-by-step approach, under the framework of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT). The UK remains concerned about reports of human rights abuses in the Philippines, including as part of the "war on drugs", and the treatment of some human and land rights defenders and journalists. Working on LGBT rights is essential to meet DFIDs vision of a world where no one is left behind. To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department, if he will hold discussions with the Chief Medical Officer on the potential merits of psilocybin's (a) medicinal and (b) therapeutic use. No patients will have puberty blockers withdrawn unless, as a result of the clinical review, a clinical decision, in consultation with the patient, is made to withdraw puberty blockers, or a court considers a best interest decision and decides it is not in the patients interest to remain on puberty blockers. The Ministry of Defence (MOD) takes all aspects of the health and wellbeing of its personnel very seriously. Psilocin is also subject to the United Nations Convention on Psychotropic Substances of 1971, to which the United Kingdom is signatory. [11], On his mother's side, Keynes is of Lebanese and distant Persian and Turkish descent. Importers registered with the MHRA can import active pharmaceutical ingredients where intended for the production of a medicinal product for use in humans. This is backed by over 2 billion over the next 3 years to tackle rough sleeping and homelessness. The Foreign and Commonwealth Office will consider future funding cycles for FCO funded programmes as part of its preparation for the Spending Review. To ask the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, pursuant to the Answer of 26 February 2020 to Question 18744 on Medical Treatments: Innovation,whether he plans to hold a public consultation on his proposals for an innovative medicines fund. The supplemental funding agreement, a contract between my right hon. To ask the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, what assessment he has made of the potential merits of establishing a new orphan medicines pathway at NICE to enable orphan medicines which do not qualify for the highly specialised technology evaluation programme to be appraised. In 2012, we changed the law so that seriously injured, ill or disabled Service personnel, and former members of the Armed Forces, with urgent housing needs are always given high priority for social housing. It is not currently possible to import bulk quantities of these products. The victims parents reportedlyboth broke down in tears when giving evidenceas they told how their son was left inconsolable and shaking after the incident at a house in Staffordshire. He has also offered his resignation as chairman of the All-Party Parliamentary Group onLGBT+ Global Rights. Local authorities have a duty to provide sufficient school places in their area. [34] Blunt has been described as "a long-term critic of Israel". Policies that were of particular personal interest included the introduction of payment by results, restorative justice and work in prisons. This funding will be used to enhance drug treatment and the numbers of treatment places available, including for those leaving prison, to reduce drug-related crime. Our chefs are led by the talented Lewis de Haas (ex Petersham Nurseries and The Shed). To ask the Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities, what research (a) has been and (b) is being undertaken to help improve understanding of the supply and funding of supported housing for veterans affected by homelessness; and what assessment he has made of the adequacy in the funding for that housing to meet existing service provision. Information is not held by the Ministry of Defence (MOD) on whether subsequent deaths for former serving personnel were due to post-traumatic stress disorder or other causes. The UK Government works to ensure that all aid reaches the most vulnerable including lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people. If no alert frequency is chosen, an Immediate alert is created by default. To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions, how many people have had a Pension Wise guidance appointment (a) by telephone and (b) in person in Reigate constituency between 1 April 2019 and 31 March 2020. To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department, with reference to the Answer of 17 May 2021 to Question 2168 on Psilocybin: Health Hazards, in the context of psilocybin being classified under Schedule 1 of the United Nations Convention on Psychotropic Substances of 1971, for what reason substance 2-CB falls under Schedule 1 of the Misuse of Drugs Regulations 2001, when it is controlled under Schedule 2 of the United Nations Convention on Psychotropic Substances of 1971. Member for Reigate, what assessment he has made of the implications for his policies of emerging evidence on the use of Psylocybin in the treatment of depression and trauma. Through the Task and Finish Group we worked closely with delivery partners to develop a monitoring framework for the programme including reports on the numbers of lines closed. It has been a great privilege to serve the people of Reigate and Banstead in Parliament since 1997. The Gender Identity Development Service will ensure that appropriate psychosocial support and psychological therapies are available to patients who are removed from puberty blockers, as well as to their families and carers. [29] Blunt later apologised for his comments and resigned as chair of the APPG. This report is available at the following link: In line with the Withdrawal Agreement, the United Kingdom ceased to be a member of the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addition (EMCDDA) on 31 January 2020. To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, what steps he is taking to ensure that support for LGBT+ initiatives remain adequately resourced during the covid-19 pandemic. To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department, if she will ask the Chair of the Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs (ACMD) when he plans to reply to the letter from Professor David Nutt, Chair of the Drug Science Scientific Committee, dated 5 February 2021 on the ACMD's update report on medical cannabis from November 2020. Drugs placed in Schedule 2 to the 2001 Regulations have some known therapeutic value in the UK and are subject to strict prescribing, record keeping and storage requirements. In 2010 and 2011, in line with Government policy agreed by the Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO), the Home Office (HO), and Ministry of Justice (MOJ), the MOD enacted policy to destroy legacy police investigative records concerning decriminalised sexual offences so that historical decriminalised convictions would not show up on criminal record checks of Service Personnel. The Department is giving due consideration to the implementation of the statutory relationships, sex and health education (RSHE) curriculum in the context of COVID-19. We continue to work with partners to address the underlying drivers of exploitation and ensure support and protection is in place for children exploited through county lines criminality. Its Blunts messaging that propagates dangerous myths that trans women dont represent a physical threat to women. This includes many areas highlighted in the ACMD Custody to Community transitions report. A commemorative event following a persons death may be held following the funeral including a wake, stone setting or scattering of ashes. The advice makes clear that schools should make appropriate provision for a bullied child's social, emotional, and mental health needs. In January, the Government announced 80 million additional funding for drug treatment services in England, including a focus on increasing the number of treatment places for prison leavers, and 70 million investment in accommodation and wider support for prison leavers, including for those with substance misuse problems. To ask the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, whether there are circumstances under which Specialist Importers may import cannabis-based active pharmaceutical ingredients for use in the manufacturing of cannabis-based products for medicinal use in the UK. Likewise as Commonwealth Chair-in-Office, the UK continues to raise the importance of countering discrimination within the Commonwealth, including on grounds of gender identity or sexual orientation. As set out in Inclusive Britain we have committed to exploring a wide range of schemes to divert people away from the CJS for possession, where appropriate, and will share what works best with police services around the country. In 2006, Keynes was awarded the CAMIE Award (Character and Morality in Entertainment) for his portrayal. [31], On 16 October 2022, he became the first Conservative MP to publicly call for Liz Truss to resign, calling it 'blindingly obvious' that she must go. It is important that dogs are trained to behave well and introduced gradually and positively to different environments, people and animals. Defras codes of practice provide owners and keepers with information on how to meet the welfare needs of their animals, as required under the Animal Welfare Act 2006. kennesaw state football depth chart; 2022617 crispin blunt advisor To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department, how many Saudi citizens applied for asylum in the UK in (a) 2017, (b) 2018 and (c) 2019. Between January 2015 and December 2018, there were only 17 instances where law enforcement bodies deployed those under 18 years old as CHIS, and their participation in criminal conduct is rarer still. Published on January 14, 2015, it has been widely reported in the media and cited by foreign policy think tanks. The UK attends trials of international importance in all countries where permitted. Should an application be submitted for a marketing authorisation (product licence), it will ultimately be a decision for the MHRA whether to license psilocybin as a therapy. This is in addition to 3.2 million in targeted funding to ensure that we minimise the risk to those rough sleepers unable to self-isolate. 5 Jun. Prior to the 2016 EU Referendum, Blunt supported Brexit. All cancer drugs recommended by NICE are eligible for funding through the CDF from the point of NICEs draft guidance. I look forward to announcing these measures shortly.". The statutory Code of Practice for the Welfare of Dogs includes guidance on how to keep dogs safe and under control. Email tips to or message @MrSteerpike, Dear parents, a reminder that we are dressing up for World Book Day! [36][37] The report is based on data from home visits covering almost 150,000 Syrian refugees living outside of camps in Jordan. The National Crime Agency has led a number of investigations under Operation VENETIC and publishes regular press notices on the outcomes of these investigations. The largest and riskiest services will be required to set out their policies regarding content that is legal but harmful to adults and enforce these consistently. In addition, on enforcement specifically, we have robust governance and monitoring/evaluation frameworks in place to monitor the impact of our county lines programme and Project ADDER through monthly Task and Finish Group meetings and Programme Delivery Board. Defras research into electric shock collars is available here: Science Search ( . The post in question was neither incendiary nor ill-informed: all Rowling did was highlight the absurdity of a policy introduced by the Scottish police which allows male rapists to self-identify as women. The government responded to the Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs (ACMD) report on Custody to Community Transitions in October 2019. Source: BBC, View the history of this MPs entries in the Register. The Home Office publishes data on the number of asylum applications received by the UK in the chapter How many people do we grant asylum or protection to? in the quarterly Immigration Statistics Quarterly Release. There is an established process for the development of medicines, overseen by the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA), which enables medicines (including those containing Schedule 1 controlled drugs such as psilocybin) to be developed, evaluated in clinical trials and licensed based on an assessment of their safety, quality and efficacy before being made available to patients in the UK. To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department, pursuant to the Answer of 21 October 2021 to Question 58293 on Drugs: Misuse, whether a formal consultation process in line with guidelines has been used in developing the drug strategy, as was the case in the 2010 and other previous drug strategies; how existing external experts were chosen; and to what extent the Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs has (a) been involved in the new strategy's development or (b) provided feedback on the draft. In January, the Government announced a 148 million new investment to cut crime and protect people from the scourge of illegal drugs including; Together the funding represents a comprehensive drive by the Government to build back safer from the pandemic by helping people break free from the scourge of drug use and cutting drug-fuelled crime and violence. To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department, how many schedule 1 (a) domestic and (b) import licences cannabis and cannabis-based products were granted in 2019. [11] From 1991 to 1992, Blunt was a representative of the Forum of Private Business. Following a consultation in 2018, and as set out in our Action Plan for Animal Welfare, the Government decided to ban electric shock collars controlled by hand-held devices in England under new legislation which should be introduced this year, given their scope to harm cats and dogs. To ask the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government, if he will make an assessment of the implications for his policies on housing developments of the Campaign to Protect Rural England report titled, A housing design audit for England, published on 21 January 2020. The Home Secretary places controlled drugs in the appropriate schedule following consideration of advice from the ACMD. To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department, pursuant to the Answer of 16 June 2021 to Question 14126 and with reference to the findings of the Dame Carol Black review of drugs: phase one report, what assessment has been made of the effect of county line closures and drugs seized on (a) drug availability or rates of drug use, (b) potency, (c) price and (d) new trends including local recruitment of children and children being missing for longer periods in adaption to police activity and covid-19; what Government national leadership and oversight on the implementation of a public health approaches to youth violence has taken place; how the Department for Education is involved with that oversight; what assessment she has made of the ethical implications of state use of children to be used as a covert human intelligence source as detailed in The Covert Human Intelligence Sources Bill; and whether a Child Rights impact assessment has been undertaken in relation to that proposed policy. See more detail on votes during the COVID-19 period here. A wider overview of Operation VENETIC can also be found in the NCAs 2021 National Strategic Assessment. The department is also ensuring that all children in England learn about respectful relationships, in person and online, as part of new mandatory relationships, sex and health education. I wouldn't have done anything like that. We are in the process of considering their findings and the Government will respond in due course. This should be communicated to all pupils, school staff and parents. Equalities Minister Liz Truss has now written to the remaining members thanking them for their "constructive input". Crispin resigned this position in May 2003 and served again on the Defence Select Committee from December 2003 to October 2004, when Crispin returned to the Conservative front bench as an Opposition Whip under Michael Howard. The Government acknowledges the strength of feeling on juvenile CHIS, however, we must recognise that some juveniles are involved in serious crimes, as perpetrators and victims. In 2019, the Drugs and Firearms Licensing unit issued to premises in Great Britain (a) 33 low THC licences to cultivate low THC cannabis (b) 20 licences to cultivate high THC cannabis (c) 362 domestic licences covering possession of schedule 1. This includes holding the Taliban to their commitment to ensure safe passage. Cecil's two brothers were Albert Hourani, a historian of the Middle East, and George Hourani, philosopher, historian, and classicist. These include well publicised cases of individuals involved in drug trafficking, like Thomas Maher, described by the judge at his trial as an extremely important cog in the wheel of a sophisticated network. In August 2010, he announced that he was leaving his wife in order "to come to terms with his homosexuality".

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crispin blunt advisor

crispin blunt advisor